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Why are you pulling my dick...

Writer's picture: SentinelSentinel

Updated: Jun 27, 2023

Hi there. Facts are many visit this website, many more than we thought when we started. What are they looking for? Arguably, it most likely varies depending on the content of character per individual. But anyways, we have several topics I wish to briefly touch on in our time together, so let's get into it. But again (before we get started), TastySpleen and TastySpleen activists you are no longer welcomed on this website. Please get the fuck out, thanks.

Secondly, unh0ly (aka derek) changed the name of his server to "pro deathmatch". He is not a pro, steals the no weapon stay 888 has on his server and calls it pro. unh0ly went to 888's server and said, "not bad at all - already better than TastySpleen's server." This is a true statement. Of course, unh0ly lies and says otherwise now because he is butt hurt (not in the good way like he likes). derek, this is only the beginning, the choice has always been yours son. I'm Endless and my Ruthlessness can know no limit. You been out of line and time, pushing the boundaries of a war you are not equipped to win. I've seen things, done things, and been places you've never dreamed. You need to recognize, apologize and give thanks for my longsuffering mercy that was extended to you, you ungrateful two-faced son of a bitch. But anyways, 888 is the pro and has proven it again and again. unh0ly is just trying to (once again) steal shit. And he also makes up shit all the time. When I first saw unh0ly he was trying to be a rail god, but evidently he is not. Anyone trying to be a rail god needs to beat Magic in my opinion. Magic was cocky as hell back in the day (more chill now), but when you are the best at something, you just want someone to rise to the occasion. That's all 888 and SpawnGirl wanted. There are those who earn everything in life and then there are those who just run their mouths and expect things to be given to them. Don't worry derek, Railwolf (aka TastySpleen) will always have your back. I mean heck, you cried about CampCity (a real deathmatch map for pros), they put restrictions on how the map is played. You cried about q2dm4 (a real deathmatch map) and they recently put restrictions on it as well. 7 players must be active, just like CampCity. Killing DM. Railwolf, claire, shloo, and unh0ly are not deathmatch spirited. Yet, they feel they think they know how deathmatch should be ran. SMH. Quadz was more deathmatch spirited; hence, why he had it set up the way he did and said 888/SpawnGirl have great taste in maps. 888 THE QUAKE GOD is KING of DM. 888 rose from the ashes of his distributed domination and now sits upon the throne of all that is meant to be for a Quake GOD - so humbly KNEEL and gratefully Bow In The Presence of Greatness.

Anyways, getting to the greater point. I been getting asked what exactly happened to justify TastySpleen muting 888. This is why I usually involve detailed stories to further illustrate the activities behind events that transpire. I will be placing a vote poll in the 888 forum ( for all advocating the full length drawn out story. I think many seem to understand things better in this light. Anyways, if there was any real weight of truth behind instituting the mute, this wouldn’t even be a question. But it is a question because the origins of the mute is just bullshit and it doesn't really make sense to anybody. Point blank, Shloo was just jealous, burning with envy and threw up a rage mute. And we can go into those details in the full length story (if the majority chooses). The reason behind the mute has now been evolved and twisted by Railwolf because he likes to think of himself as a skilled handler. Some need and like to be handled; but then there are others who enjoy thinking for themselves and using their brain. He better be careful, all that backpedaling, he might back all the way into 888's golden massive winning stallion, and we all know what happens from there. 🍆

Understand, if you are too stupid to read in-between the lines of bullshit, you are not what we are looking for as a potential candidate for our team. Many fail to realize that this was SpawnGirl’s entire take when dealing with morons. 888 tries to have more patience, but Pasta Ssempa has the most patience I think. Rambo just tells it how it is, period. Shloo's reason behind creating the mute is no longer spoke about because the claim was falsified and was found to be inaccurate. In any reputable court of law, the entire case would then be thrown out. However, TastySpleen operates on pride and standards that don't makeup what is necessarily right and fair for all. Case in point, Railwolf sided with all opposers of 888 and used his mod powers to help them out; similar situation with Beav, Pasta Ssempa, and the same thing SpawnGirl was talking about. Moderators are suppose to be fair and indifferent, not take sides. Therefore Tren, no matter how many messages you send this website, you still lose because you couldn't stand on your own two decades of working the whore street corner feet. The chance of you winning has been taken away from you by TastySpleen, because they knew you had lost strength and 888 and Pasta are better players than you.

Back to the initial point. If you pay attention to people, you will learn how to hear what they tell you without them actually opening their mouth to tell you. When Shloo came with some donation stealing bullshit accusation that didn't exist, all that told me was "maybe this is what they do". Instantly, I'm turned off and don't want to deal with people who potentially take part in this. Is this my fault? No, this is my right. Many churches and organizations show the members where their donations are going. It's a good practice.

Furthermore, because it does not stop apparently, it was recently brought to my forefront that Shloo continues with relentless precision to piss Beav off, and I'm not sure why. Shloo banned Beav from TastySpleen's Discord server after Shloo upset him. Aidz and chief tits seem to enjoy that Shloo picks on Beav. I genuinely do not understand it. Facts are, Beav has done great things for the community. Heck, he was here when 888 stepped on the scene, one of the first people seen. Then, all this had me thinking. Reminded me of an ending to an old school movie I once saw - where JD blows himself up in front of Veronica. Who was the "hero" in the movie? Is there a hero in the movie? I recommend everyone watch Heathers. It's free to stream many places. Tubi and Amazon Prime have good quality. If you understand the movie, like really really understand it, along with all the subtle messaging, you will be on your way to understanding 888...and Beav's "gripe" for that matter.

Heather Duke rose to the occasion and doesn't understand now "why you are pulling my dick." 888 rose to the top, from a deep cesspool of bullshit, took over, and once he got to the top, everyone wanted to "pull on his dick". Never made much sense. Everyone wants to be a Legend, but not all have what it takes to get there. 888 IS The True Quake GOD.


The RISE of Heather Duke

02:18. Prime time tranny ass. Heather Duke did some phenomenal acting here in this scene (all decked out in red). Watch the eyes and sudden changes in character. Very impressive.

02:25. Hmmm, Veronica not so much prime time tranny ass. Oversized clothes (to hide them features), deep voice, etc. Cute though.

03:03 and 03:15. Love that transition.

03:08. Heather Duke learns, adapts, grows, and thrives.

03:19. Lol, I always get a good kick out the way Heather Duke says this with that facial expression. Punch line is they all have dicks.

03:22. Look how Veronica was acting after Heather Duke says that (acting like she is holding in a laugh), like they been laughing about it during previous takes.

03:31. "Uh-uh." Stellar performance, Heather Duke.

Heathers: who was the hero?

  • Jason Dean

  • Veronica Sawyer

  • Heather Duke

  • No one


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