Tren got wooped SO MUCH yesterday by 888 that 888 got tired of killing his unpassable trans ass. Back when Quadz was still around, Tren was one of the first to complain about 888 wooping his dirty ass (a year or so ago). Tren was so butthurt because 888 was dominating him so deep without mercy. Well, guess some things just never change. Lady Tren put on his favorite thong, his most revealing low riser jeans; the tightest, brightest, matching top he could find and he marched “down on” Quadz (with his high heel pink blow job giving pumps on) to slobber cry. Tren wants to pretend like he never did that (hoping 888 will forget); however, 888 has NOT forgotten. One time, Tren even tried to blame the snitchery on his imaginary/fake brother. I am telling you, this Tren guy has some deep psychological issues. Tren often talks shit with many players and then goes to complain because he has uncontrollable mental disorders. Furthermore, he uses the "N word" often on the servers and he potentially is not even Black! Gasp!! Why Tasty allows such racial behavior on their server is beyond me. I plan on doing a blog later expanding on these items. I really do not like racism, I have ZERO tolerance for it.
Many players have declared Tren "moves funny". Yes, something is clearly off about the movement of Tren. It does not seem normal. He reeks of trash (cough, speed hack). Howbeit, I feel sorry for Tren. I think this old ass game is all he has; therefore, I am not going to cut into him too hard. Even though he moves like a snake (conniving and manipulative) and often changes his name. These are transparent signs that he is ashamed of who he is; this plays along into his sad psychological derangement. I think Tren seriously might be an unpassable tranny and it deeply oppresses him. When this tranny accusation is mentioned to him, he does not ever deny it, he just laughs. This behavior/reaction is very odd. Tren has gone by the aliases Clown, AZ, and RinserDude (to name a few). I think he went by "Clown" to hide his tears. I wrote a poem, titled "A Clown's Tears", about this disorder years ago. In these video clips Tren is aliasing under the name "RinserDude" and his dirty ass gets "Rinsed" thoroughly inside and outside with a garden hose before being passed around.
Wooped Tren (q2dm7)
02:33. Lol, [NV] z00m x 2 just got laid the fuck out. He ain’t getting up, lol. [NV] z00m x 2 just cannot get away from The WRATH of 888. Recall [NV] z00m x 2’s just recent death at the hands of 888 @ 02:30.
04:59. Pretty cool (in the end) how 888 got air off a rocket jump from his opponent [NV] z00m x 2’s rocket; and then came down from the air (aiming down) to finish [NV] z00m x 2 with a direct rocket of his own straight to [NV] z00m x 2’s most deserving face. VICTORY IS SOOOO SWEET!! (Put Playback speed at .5 or .25 to really capture experience)
Tren admits (at the end) he is getting "incredibly" wooped by 888. Tren was probably jerking off with one hand and taking notes with the other; as he watched 888 dominate and rinse his dirty ass.
Wooped Tren (q2dm4)
00:49. Beautiful!! 888 had Cat-5 Killer and KentuckyOwl share an equal kiss of death with the BFG at the same time. Pucker UP!!
01:00. Love how 888 flips off/taunts Tren before railing Tren in his unpassable tranny mouth. And Tren is crouched on his whore knees with anticipation, lol.
01:08. Saved from the rail by the dead body/carcass.
01:26. 888 waited for Tren to return. 888 knew Tren was on his way back because Tren enjoys getting railed in the mouth by 888. But how did Tren know 888 was still there? 888 gladly gives Tren a second helping of a mouth full of that winning 888 rail; while Tren crouched down there, on his knees, in a dark wet corner, under the steps, with his mouth WIDE open. *You must anticipate trash moves and beat them at their own game.
01:28: Look at that speed hack. SMH. Do you move like this?
01:46. You see that speed hack? Do you see any normal players in Quake moving like this? B100D (aka Bloody Tampon and Bloody Tampon Licker) uses one as well. It is obvious by the way Tren moves; something is clearly not normal. It is harder to confirm it when you spectate/follow the player (Tren) in question. It is more detectable when you are on the outside and look at the player. And they never run the hack the entire game, they pick their moments when they wish to initiate it. They prefer to fire weapons such and cg, mg, and hb when initiating the hack because those weapons give faster/speedier body damage to the opponent with less of a detection rate. If you lower the speed in these videos, you will see that major damage is caused from these weapons (used by Tren) and the ammunition does not make contact with the opponent that much. One time, 888 caught Bloody Tampon Licker in the water initiating the speed hack to avoid a player coming into the water to get Bloody Tampon Licker after Bloody Tampon Licker had just spawned. SplintHOE (aka Spl1n3r) uses a speed hack as well.
02:08. Crouch out of the weapon fire and wait for the BFG to do it's job. "BFG Pro". SPECTACULAR Finish!!
Wooped Tren (ztn2dm2)
Wooped Tren (campcity)
UPDATE: 6.28.22. I have to give ShinodA props on this diss to Tren. Made me chuckle. See below. Hey Lady Tren, buddy, I made you famous. Everyone knows (will know) who you are now. Now, maybe you will get a taste of what it means to be 888 and empathize with what you and your goons tried/try to do to innocent 888. No more hiding, son (Lady Tren). Come out the closet and get Rinsed.
Clown: is shinoda a noob?
ShinodA: Tren i've been quite... but it looks like you love to hear from me.. so before I forget.. SHUT THE FUCK UP YOUR FATTY ASS MOTHER FUCKER TRANN
Clown: who is this faggot?