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Tranny Tren Keeps A Dildo In His Hollow Ass (video) UPDATE: 12.9.22

Writer's picture: SentinelSentinel

Updated: Dec 9, 2022

So as the cheaters continue to run unscrupulous on Tastyspleen servers, and undisputed by Tasty administration, I take some solace in the community’s continued growth in awareness. I was impressed with Rambo’s call out, and thorough analysis, on the hack Norgath. It gives me hope in the real burden bearers of the community. "Norgath" supposedly is the alias for the frequent TDMer “Naymlis”. There are several hackers that play on TS servers (especially in the TDM arena); howbeit, there are a few annoying ones that make a point to stand out. They typically change their names in hopes to make it look like there are more good/hack players, but without a doubt they are just the same hacks. One in particular is Tranny Tren, he is a terrible hack player who lacks basic Q2 fundamentals. My guess is Tranny Tren sucked so bad at Quake 2 that he had to get some cheats, but Tranny Tren never learned basic Q2 fundamentals in the process, which explains his below mediocre raw skill. Furthermore, Tranny Tren doesn’t know when to STFU. He is so used to having dirty random penis in his mouth that he does not know what to use his mouth for in the absence of a grungy dick in it. If you didn’t know, Tranny Tren’s a professional dick sucker as a career. This is how he pays his internet bill to get on Quake 2. Sometimes he offers specials, “bust under 5 or it’s free!” Tranny Tren works hard at sucking strange dick, sometimes he works so late that he uses the cum as mouthwash to "Rinse", before swallowing it, and going on to service the next penis. Tranny Tren is resourceful like that, and he says the cum also whitens his teeth. Tranny Tren feels he has found another (life) hack! This is what Tranny Tren is referring to when he says "Rinser" and "Rinsed" in/after a match.

Tranny Tren calls FecalOdor (aka Focalor) his lawyer because FecalOdor was in his beat down 1996 Citrus Orange Toyota Corolla, participating in one of Tranny Tren’s 5 til you pop deals, a security officer interrupted, and FecalOdor was able to (somehow) lawyer Tranny Tren out of being arrested. FecalOdor mentioned something about Tranny Tren being mentally handicapped and FecalOdor’s tiny dick in Tranny Tren’s whore mouth is the only thing that gave Tranny Tren a sense of worth. Anyways, this is why Tranny Tren refers to FecalOdor as his lawyer, but FecalOdor (at heart) thinks Tranny Tren is a disgusting excuse for a human being, and gives messy blow jobs. Everyone knows Tranny Tren is a hack trash, no secret there. Tranny Tren is adamant on trying to discredit 888, in hopes that the community believes Tranny Tren to be somehow legit, that’s just not going to happen. The Truth reigns and The Truth shall prevail. This is why Tranny Tren wants 888 out of the picture, because 888 educates the community in the reality of Tranny Tren’s abusive cheating nature on servers (as well as other hack trash that frequents the servers). 888 was told he should take over moderating the DM and cleaning up the server. This is the level of faith community members have in 888 taking a server where it needs to be for righteousness and justice for all.

You will see how terrible Tranny Tren really is in this 1 on 1 match he had with 888. Tranny Tren is going by “Bozo” in this video. The nasty bitch is constantly changing his name to give the illusion that more hack players exist. Bozo, bozo, 999, 8.88in, 4278, Clown, meek, .Cryline, and -=[AZ]=- are several of his aliases. In the video, you will discover how Tranny Tren lacks basic Q2 fundamentals. The reason Tranny Tren takes first in matches is because many players do not understand what it takes to deprive a typical hack, and this is what hacks depend on when engaging with honest participants on a server. 888 learned Q2 fundamentals from The Greats; therefore, 888 dominates (even the hacks) when he is alone with a talentless gaping hack in an arena. I will go over some of these key points of discussion; however, these are all extraordinary things you will learn (and more) in 888’s Academy, so Enroll TODAY!!

Once Again, 888 Whoops Tranny Tren’s Hack Bitch Ass

00:07. Tranny Tren comes running out, ready for battle, facing 888. This is one of many tell tale trash signs. Seriously, this gaping hole is terrible. Look at this junk; couldn’t even properly hit 888 with The BFG! And Tranny Tren clutched that BFG the entire match because he knows his hoe gaping ass can’t take all of 888’s illustriously whopping champion cock. 888 used MULTIPLE weapons just to toy with this gaping slut.

00:22. Look at Tranny Tren walling trying to sneak up on 888 for the kill. THIS IS THE EXTENT OF WHAT MANY HACKERS DO TO GET FRAGS. They come from the sides and the rear to frag players off-guard. They love to do this when the victimed player is engaged in battle with another player. However, here there are no other players, so 888 just moved like a tank to continually fuck Tranny Tren’s hacking bitch ass up. Tranny Tren (like Optica and the rest of hacks) run from 888 because they fear The Wrath of The TRUE QUAKE GOD!! Let’s continue.

00:30. 888 turns his back to Tranny Tren and waits. Sure enough here comes Tranny Tren looking for the cheap unsuspecting walling guided frag once again. And once again he fails, because he is facing THE QUAKE GOD.

00:33. Look at Tranny Tren’s bitch ass (on his knees again) waiting around the corner with his mouth wide open (once again) ready for entry, walling like the piece of garbage he is. Tranny Tren has ZERO fighting skills. Tranny Tren is worse than OptiShit. OptiSkank at least understands some Q2 fundamentals…and has a great fuckable phat ass. This Tranny Tren character is shit all around and really needs to find a corner, sit down, stare at the wall, and STFU. Let’s continue if we can.

00:35. Aim hacking piece of garbage.

00:38. Ya, run more bitch. 888 is just moving like a tank.

00:41. And this shit walls his way back again to get behind 888, and Tranny Tren fails once again as he runs away reeking of rancid three month old spoiled sausage meat. Lil pussy ass hacking cunt. Again, these hacks FEAR 888. Because they know 888’s WRATH GOES SOOOOOOOOOO DEEP.

01:00. Wall again. Tranny Tren waited for 888 to come around the corner, shot the rail and ran because he knows 888 will have that ghastly gaping ass.

01:05. Sure enough that detestable cavernous ass was got. With every frag, Tranny Tren lets off this repugnant odor. It really is vile. Tranny Tren is just beyond a disgusting…thing. Anyways, let’s try and continue.

01:15. You can see that 888 and Tranny Tren were in the match the same amount of time.

01:53. 888 uses armor to make Tranny Tren kill himself and Tranny Tren reconnects like a pussa. 888 did the same thing to Opticunt, but at least OptiPhatAss continued the match like a warrior. OptiSkank is a way better player than Tranny Tren will ever be. Opticunt just needs some more training, but he must put the hack down to learn from 888. Tranny Tren goes on to lose this match 7 to -1 against The Legendary 888. Tranny Tren never fragged 888 once; however, 888 tossed Tranny Tren around like they usually do Tranny Tren on Friday nights at the Tranny Hooker GloryHole Central Holetel deep down in Mexico.

02:27. Tranny Tren uses 888 quotes because Tranny Tren has ZERO originality or personality. Tranny Tren thinks 888 is the coolest thing since Tranny Tren discovered how to master giving 5 minute or less bust blowjobs!!

02:40. 888 paused and stared at Tranny Tren because 888 could not believe the horrible hack job for tits Tranny Tren had done, and STILL Tranny Tren could not land an adequate shot WITH THE BFG.

03:12. 888 switched from BFG to RG to hopefully give 888 a little more excitement/challenge as he proceeds to test Tranny Tren.

03:13 - 03:22. Look how slow 888 is moving, railing Tranny Tren, and Tranny Tren cannot even land a decent shot with multiple BFG shots. 888 is testing Tranny Tren, and Tranny Tren is just proving how much Tranny Tren sucks.

03:40. Yeah of course, run again pussy.

03:55. Too easy, like it is to dig into his imaginary “brother's” ass.

04:12. Boredom.

04:28. Tranny Tren using his wallhacks to avoid 888 at this moment.

04:46 - 04:50. See what 888 did there? You will learn (in the 888 Academy) the what, the why, and how it affects hackers. ENROLL NOW!!

05:30. This guy really isn’t good. You guys need to learn how to play properly. Enroll in the 888 Academy!!

06:02. 888 tired of chasing that bitch ass. Tranny Tren has been running from 888 the entire map because Tranny Tren knows 888 is solid, and Tranny Tren is full of (cum filled) holes.

06:28. Tranny Tren’s hack ass is what’s boring. This ugly unpassable tranny has no skill, just like ShitRoll (aka Ro11), when he tries to play 888 1 on 1. All these hackers are jokes, true bottom feeders of the community.

06:38. Boredom.

07:08. Tranny Tren scores -1, 888 scores 7, and Tranny Tren did not even frag 888 ONCE. Tranny Tren is garbage. There is even footage of Tranny Tren begging 888 to take it easy on him.

After the match, 888 leaves the arena. Tranny Tren chases 888 down and says, “I guess this is where you bend me over and have your way with me.” Tranny Tren was trying to look and sound sensual when he said this, but it was really repulsing. Tranny Tren proceeds to rip his clothes off, and when he peels his shit stained panties off, a large dildo pops out his asshole. When the dildo came out, Tranny Tren farted a little, and it sounded like an owl hooting (such a hollow asshole). I guess Tranny Tren just keeps the dildo lodged up there to keep his asshole nice and loose, ready for invasion. Tranny Tren tries to make a cute/bashful face after the large dildo pops out his ass; however, the sight of Tranny Tren is so horrifically grotesque that 888 immediately vomits all over the ground in disgust. Right away, Tranny Tren starts to bathe in 888’s vomit, rubbing it all over himself sexually (emphasis on rubbing it into his nipples), and eating it. 888 vomits a little more and leaves Tranny Tren there rubbing 888’s vomit on himself, fucking himself in his ass uncontrollably with the dildo, smacking his own ass, and screaming 888’s name. “888 IS QUAKE GOD!!” “888 IS GOD!!” “I’m a bitch.” “I’M A BITCHHHHH!” This could be heard for miles away and nobody dared to go see this monstrosity of an event. Tranny Tren must have fucked himself in 888’s vomit for three days straight, until he had consumed every last bit of 888’s vomit, licking the ground clean.

Rambo gets a lot of support, some wonder why. Rambo reminds 888 of Paul Reynolds in 1982, playing sexy as a mf, like Paul Reynolds on his guitar in 1982. Rambo made a significant point regarding hacks. 888 said that hacks do not respect the game. Rambo said, “They do not respect US.” And on so many levels, Rambo spoke a true statement. They do not respect US, the honest players, or they would not cheat and play with US masquerading as being legit. 888 doesn’t even try to play as he usually does when hacks are present, he just maintains. The hacks tend to get 30 kills off players who do not switch to maintain mode. You cannot play as usual when hacks are in the building. Back in the day, The Greats used to jump the hacks right out the server. Enroll in the 888 Academy and learn what it means to truly be among The Greats.

UPDATE: 12.9.22. Recently, Tren (being the stable minded individual he is) realized the error of his ways and requested to Enroll into the 888 Academy to better himself. When Tren inquired with 888 about it, 888 directed Tren to Pasta Ssempa because Pasta "handles" the riff-raff kind of class. 888 THE QUAKE GOD doesn't get his hands dirty with this type of lesserness. Below are the requirements:

Everything starts with the loyalty program! Follow these simple steps:

1. Rename yourself to [CADET]Tren . Use this name only. 888 academy cadets/members

needs to be recognizable and aliases are FORBIDDEN.

2. After each map, write this message to chat: I am a cadet for 888 academy. 888 is the

best! TRUE TOP FRAGGER! Enroll to 888 academy NOW! 888-LEGEND.COM

Loyalty program period is 14 days. We will be monitoring your progress. After that comes the BOOTCAMP!


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