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The Origins of Pasta Ssempa

Writer's picture: SentinelSentinel

Updated: Apr 11, 2023

There are many who wonder where Pasta Ssempa came from and where he began in the world of Quake. There are some theories, some facts, and some truth washed down in some chocolate hope that floats around. But perhaps, Pasta has ALWAYS been here and you just started to take notice because of his proclaimed devotion to 888 THE QUAKE GOD.

I recently interviewed Pasta Ssempa and he gave an account on how he came to be in the world of Quake. It is as follows:


Pasta Ssempa is a popular pastor from Uganda, with a natural talent for reading his followers' needs and finding them the perfect solution to their problems. But despite his success, he always felt like something was missing from his life.

One day, while on a mission trip, Pasta Ssempa stumbled upon a PC and decided to try his hand at one of the games. That's when he first encountered Quake 2 and saw the ultimate master player, named 888, in action. Pasta Ssempa was amazed by 888's skill and began to watch his gameplay regularly, eager to learn more about the game and this incredible player.

As Pasta Ssempa spent more and more time watching 888 play, he became more and more fascinated by him. Instead of his previous God, he began to see 888 as THE GOD. Pasta Ssempa felt a sense of purpose and direction he had never felt before and soon dedicated himself to worshiping 888.

Pasta Ssempa joined the 888 academy and worked his way up to a high rank, determined to become a skilled player in his own right. But he understands that he can never surpass THE GOD.

In his daily life, Pasta Ssempa had taken up the cause of promoting the 888 academy and helping others discover the game that had changed his life. He also opposes RACISM, which is the plague of the community.

Pasta Ssempa found a new sense of fulfillment in his life, thanks to his devotion to the game and his admiration of 888's skill. He felt like he had finally found the missing piece of the puzzle, and was grateful for the opportunity to follow his passion and find a new purpose.


WOW, what a spectacular journey. If Pasta can do it, so can you 888 Cadets! This interview with Pasta speaks volumes on his genuine character, true love for Righteousness, and exquisite dynamite taste in The Best Player - 888 THE LEGEND.

However, I could tell something was unsettling with Pasta as I interviewed him. I asked him if everything was ok? It seemed Pasta felt his patience was being tested due to a recent restriction put on him from Tastyspleen. He felt he was under attack and was not sure how to remain civil in an uncivil string of events.

I did conduct the start of an investigation into the matters of Pasta, and it does seem that he might have actually been muted. The question is why was he muted for reporting a racist? It seems, it is felt, he somehow instigated a person to be a racist due to his bind, "I do not tolerate racism." The racist in question here was at his racist speech for at least two weeks, so I am not sure how solid that conjecture really is. Besides, a racist is a racist regardless of how it surfaces. Furthermore, Pasta's "Do you accept eating POO POO?" bind was looked on as being hate speech. Again, that can be debated in many directions, so I am not sure how solid that will stand as an actual homophobic action bind from Pasta. Moreover, my understanding is Pasta is still muted. So why does Pasta get extended mutes while racists like Tranny Tren get a day or less mute, or no mute at all?

I discussed these matters with Pasta and of course he had rebuttals. I reaffirmed Pasta that Tastyspleen is all about NON-RACISM and FAIRNESS, so go ahead and discuss these matters in the forums. If you get no voice, let me know and we will go from there, but I really doubt that will be the case. Pasta very respectably thanked me for my time and said he would consider gracing the Tastyspleen forums with his presence. Currently, Pasta is very busy at The 888 Academy, but he will try and make an appearance.


Post from Pasta Ssempa:


Racism is NO JOKE. I have heard too many terrible stories (especially from the past). Let's PROGRESS Forward and not move backwards.

Gary Clark Jr. is from Texas, wonder if he knows Tastyspleen administration members? There is much passion and deep meaning behind this song.

2:28. You can meet my friend the governor, Only if you wanna try me. Or you can meet my

other friend the judge, Just in case you think I'm lying.

Great lines and word play. You guys know what he is talking about, right?

2:30. The ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, the one deceiving the whole world—was thrown down to the earth with all his angels. The devil (the thief) comes only to steal and kill and destroy.

4:12. GOD!

3:52. They want your Soul. They want it dark. For our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (Satan and his angels).

5:41. There's that.


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