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TastySpleen is trying to control what non-TDM players talk about?!?!!

Writer's picture: SentinelSentinel

Updated: Dec 28, 2023

So TDM cheaters have been complaining to TastySpleen and it appears TS wants to appease the cheaters. There was a timed console messaged ordering the legit players to refrain from excessive cheat talk in the chat. What happened to free speech? Why are legit players being attacked instead of the cheaters being dealt with? These are very good questions indeed, and we will touch on them in a few ticks.

I contacted RailWolf about the new agenda to ensure TS's side was correctly captured in this article; howbeit, I got no response. Instead, RailWolf posted on the TS forum about the docket. Trying to get ahead of the shitstorm that is brewing I imagine. In his post, he said he would prefer cheat accusations to be submitted and not talked about at lengths in chat. Why? Out of all the crap that is chatted about on the servers, why this? Why poo poo talk gets you muted? How do they pick and choose what matters to pursue and what matters to let go? It seems like whatever the TDMers complain about, TS pursues to rectify. Again, this will be touched on shortly.

In RailWolf's post, he urges players to submit demos to be reviewed. I have submitted a demo to TS and it barely got an examination. NeverLoved has submitted numerous demos and he feels they don't get a fair shake. There is a post on the TS forums asking why a convicted cheat (.Skyline) is allowed to play on the servers again. There is still no response to that post. It is fair for the community to have an answer to that question. If TS doesn't believe in sharing a member's information publicly, why has the exception been to tell all of 888's business within circles? Seems very bias indeed. Regardless, a convicted hack playing on the servers should be explained to the community.

What legit players cannot understand is why TS is attacking them for telling the truth. They want to know why does it appear TS is protecting the cheats? Some find it disheartening and makes players lose desire to play on the server. Players call out the cheats for TS to investigate. I cannot recall the last time a cheater was ever dealt with.

A theory that was brought to my attention were the donations. TDM brings in a lot of donations from events; David is a "top player" that viewers donate to because he is advertised by TS as being "the best". There is a machine at play here that is on a smaller scale than when I was working entertainment in Hollywood. As you know, it has been posted that David uses hacks that help him obtain an advantage over players without hacks. Viewers want to donate to the best and that is where TS has placed David. David cannot play normal and lose to a legit player like Rambo, because viewers would start to wonder why they are donating to David? Some would rather donate to Rambo - the winner. And Rambo isn't TS property, so Rambo getting donated to has no benefit to TastySpleen. Overall, TastySpleen and David (as well as other TDMers) work together to split donation profits.

Where do we go from here? Well, I reached out to TS and have gotten little response on the issues. I suggested they address concerns from the community on the TS Forums and the 888 Forums as well, but they have not responded. This cheat chat suppression action from TS has revealed many things to the heart of the community. The action speaks volumes. Players can see. I do not need to even say much, for the blanks can be filled in from here. Hopefully, TS can start to explain to the community why they are cracking down on this form of free speech and start addressing the outstanding questions/concerns from the community. Maybe TS does not (at heart) consider players/people outside of the TDM crowd "the community"? Hopefully, this isn't the case. Overall, legit players just want fair games. I think, at the least, they are owed that much.


I decided to post the demo I submitted to TS a long time ago. Not going to play entire demo, or go through every hack moment identified, but will show enough to confirm this hack is a cheater.

The hack eat lag, high possibility is Ro11 (q2dm8)

00:02: The hack sees the Mega, knows it is there, probably has a timer for it as well. He ignores killing an easy player (on left) to get Mega that he knows is there. Did not even look check for Mega, just headed straight for it. This is exactly how Ro11 plays. Ro11 moves super slow (trying to down play his hacks), but just cruises around with wallhacks and timers. He can see everything and knows when armor and mega are coming up. Ro11 avoids conflict and attacks players from the back and sides; as well as players who are already engaged in a battle.

00:12: The hack saw the legit player (through wall) coming from above and jumped back up to deal with it. Ro11 is obsessed like this as well, gets focused on one player and stays locked. This is most likely Ro11 aliasing with his hacks up full throttle. Same ping, same thought processes, probably Ro11.

00:20: The hack sees the legit player through wall and clearly fires at him before the legit player is even in view.

00:45. The hack locks onto the player on spawn pad (with the wallhack) before player is in view.

00:54. What's that the hack is firing at with such conviction you say? The hack sees (through the wall) the legit player coming up. The legit player pauses due to seeing the rockets.

00:56. The hack sees the legit player pause due to rockets. He knows he has time to grab the BFG and there is the legit player (at 00:58) he was so confidently shooting at. The hack is advancedly squaring off with the legit player ahead of time because he can see (through the wall) the legit player coming up.

01:02. Instead of giving the legit player a fair battle, the hack decides to be a huge prick and use his hacks to his advantage.

01:03: The hack wall checks the location and directional moment of the legit player.

01:05: The hack waits (using the wall as coverage) and then wall kills (WALLED) the legit player. WALLED!!

01:24. Wall check. Sees player through wall and fires at 01:25.

01:31. The hack watched (through the wall) the two legit players in battle and they looked like they might be caring battle over in that direction so he fired both rockets. However, the two legits went the other direction

01:35. Wall check again to see what players might be coming in view for easy surprise cheater kill.

01:41. Doesn't even look down for armor. Just does a continuous motion with reverse turn down into the armor. The hack knows armor is there because he saw it through wall earlier and his hack timers tell him it is there.

01:52: The hack sees player through wall. Fires rocket at legit player, hits crate.

01:53. Legit player goes other direction, the hack is still wall hunting and fires at legit player only via wall hacking view. I have another demo on this same player going crazy on another map. I am guessing he didn't know map well at all, or his wall hack didn't make it clear. The hack could hardly make out his hack from the actual walls. The hack was crazily firing so much at walls; kind of like he did here. There are certain maps designed to throw wall hackers off, 888 prefers to play these maps against hackers. Very strategic, another reason why 888 dominates.

01:59. The hack wall checks where the legit player (he is watching through the walls) is going. If the legit player made a turn in the direction of the hack, the hack would have wall ambush killed the legit player there.

02:04. The hack sees player below through wall, switches to rocket, and fires at legit player.

02:06. The hack sees the other legit player through the wall right there. Adjust to BFG for the surprise rush attack cheater kill.

02:15. The hack is hurt because he sucks (like most cheaters) in head-to-head battle. The hack wall checks if the legit player is tracking him for the kill. Another advantage cheaters use with their hacks.

02:20. Hack sees player (through wall) on spawn pad (02:28 player) and is firing at the legit player. Again, the hack could hardly make out his hack from the actual walls.

02:22. Hack follow watches (through wall) spawn pad player and switches to rocket to anticipate giving the east spawn pad kill.

02:27. Wall check legit player. The hack surprise cheater kills the legit player @ 02:28. The hack was already commencing the act of fire before even viewing the legit player outside of wall cheats. The wall cheat gave the hack confirmation on the legit player's location prior to fire.

Well, that's enough of that junk. I did more explanation than I wanted to here. Clearly, this cheater is using a speed hack and wall hack. Howbeit, this apparent hacker was unfounded by TastySpleen? Looks pretty clear to me.


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