MadTrash got wind of a new article on her and so she came online. 888 wooped her again a few games, but it was unenjoyable. Playing against hacks requires changing up the way you normally play. It is not as fun, even if you do “win”, but it is required when dealing with cheaters.
When you watch a trash player, you will start to pick up on things trash does that normal players do not. Most hack trash rely heavily on their cheats and cannot function without them. Regarding the previous video, someone did an incredible reach and said Madtrash looks around. Explain why he did not look around in the following video then? He locked onto the player “I’m Fartacus” from behind the wall and fired as soon as emerging from wall. Even I’m Fartacus was stunned at first, like where did you come from to know to do that. Madtrash had ZERO reaction time to see I’m Fartacus after emerging from the wall. The minute the wall interference was gone, MadTrash just fired where I’m Fartacus was at. I'm Faracus reacted like, "Hey something is wrong here." Madtrash did not expect I'm Fartacus to move, but I'm Faracus moved (not because of MadTrash). I'm Fartacus had no clue MadTrash was on his way while eye balling him through the wall. I’m Fartacus had to react to the reality that MadTrash was all of a sudden there. I'm Fartacus had to adjust while MadTrash was already in battle position (due to peaking through the walls). MadTrash had an advantage over I'm Fartacus. This is what these hack trashes do, they are always at an advantage and catching players off guard. Why didn’t MadTrash “look around”? Why was he locked on I’m Fartacus from the beginning behind the wall? How did MadTrash know exactly where I’m Fartacus was from behind the wall? If you watch, you will see MadTrash stayed locked on I’m Fartacus from behind the wall. Do I really need to expand more? Open your eyes. I can just lead you to the water of Truth, but you have to drink.
Thought I throw in some more times 888 wooped MadTrash (even with her hacks and all).
