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Racism on DM Server - Is This The End Of Tastyspleen DM? (UPDATE: 10.28.22)

Writer's picture: SentinelSentinel

Updated: Nov 4, 2022

Everyone knows I have zero tolerance for racism. Racism has been going on in TS servers for a long time now (especially in DM). I have mentioned it many times, even to moderators. Pasta Ssempa posted a condump on Tastyspleen's website of Tranny Tren’s racist activity. 888 has told Tranny Tren (on many occasions) to stop doing racist abusive shit and Tranny Tren (being the arrogant filthy angry slut racist he is) continues with his disgusting bigoted activity. I have been repulsed by Tranny Tren’s unempathetic and unacceptable behavior. So, Tranny Tren being muted is long overdue. Tranny Tren should never have forced Pasta’s hand to involve the police (Tastyspleen administration). Anyone who has any brains, knows it only gets worse after involving the police. We should solve issues in the community without involving the police. Admin Claire (you like that huh, thought so, that’s gonna catch on) does not completely make sense in his actions, real talk. We have debated for hours on end because I am trying to save the community and salvage the use of a player’s personality; which is required in having the most aptitude fun (for most “driven” players) in an American DM atmosphere. This also heavily contributes to unlocking a player's maximum performance potential. Claire is more focused on a nice patty cake game in a balls out war zone environment; like it is a friendly game of TDM or CTF Railwarz. TDM and CTF Railwarz are different atmospheres than an American DM server. It has always been the case. Selfish MFs like Tranny Tren are so short-sighted that they can’t even see past their stubby baby dicks. Admin Claire does not care about The Spirit of Drive behind a DM server because he prefers TDM. Therefore, taking away from DM has very little effect on him. It only hurts the DM regulars.

Pasta reached out in a forum post on Tastyspleen’s website about dumbass Tranny Tren’s offensive behavior. Pasta gave Tranny Tren a chance to stop (as has 888), but Tranny Tren only continued with his disgusting, reeking of a bag of dicks, whore mouth. Again, Tranny Tren should never have forced Pasta’s hand. Pasta made the post on Saturday (On The TS website) and almost immediately here comes the racist assholes trying to control, derail, and belittle the racist facts. I would expect nothing less from these jokes. |iR|Focalor is a huge racist piece of shit and he ain’t fooling anyone (with a brain) as he tries to manipulate and control posts/masses. There are plenty of posts from |iR|Focalor on the Tastyspleen website that show his true racist character. He is filthy like Tranny Tren, he just conceals it more. So, I expected the racist pricks to come. Guys like 0rbisson and Sgt. Dick felt like they could say what they want because they had |iR|Focalor’s OK and he “runs the TS forum show”. The TS forum should be a place where a player can go and speak their mind in a civilized manner about an issue that offended them without being condemned, ridiculed, belittled, and hazed. Especially if an issue is about race. |iR|Focalor made some unacceptable posts about 888 that should not have been allowed by TS administration, but these are just many of the things I have let go for the sake of the overall picture. However, racism against another community member is not something I can let go, especially if that offended member is looking for rectification.

So, as they continued to gang up on Pasta and undermine his feelings, Pasta asks for admin intervention (after it had been two days without a response from TS administration) because the racism was getting out of control in the forum. I thought RailWolf would have responded already, but he had not. I was a little surprised there. Nevertheless, I could not stomach this sickening atrocity any longer, so I reached out to Admin Claire. I am not going to go into too much detail on what happened there because it is not the overall point of this post, but it turned into a heavy “discussion”. Short story, Admin Claire claimed he was working on filters right as I contacted him. This included racial wording as well as wording in Pasta's binds. Claire's reasoning behind including wording within Pasta's binds makes little to no sense, but again this is what happens when you involve Admin Claire. At the end of the day, Claire is going to do what Claire wants to do, and so am I. Taking words from a player (that are not offensive) is not right. I believe in Freedom of Speech and this Freedom of Speech helps drive a player to be The Best. Hence, 888 becoming THE QUAKE GOD. 888 = QUAKE GOD!! I hope this is not the death of Tastyspleen DM, but it is looking pretty grim.

Players Boss!!, DrunkardBob, HoodLuM are heavy racists as well. The community (what’s left of it) should know.

UPDATE: 10.27.22. Unrighteously, Tranny Tren was unmuted after about a day for being a racist. Tranny Tren is being smug and braggadocious about being let off the hook with such ease. See, Tranny Tren is backed by his ex-boyfriend, iR|Focalor. iR|Focalor is an old, fat, hairy, highly potential racist shitshow with a tiny dick. Many swear iR|Focalor is a Nazi!! The two of them still mess around sexually. If you look at Tranny Tren's Discord's profile picture, you will see him naked and bound in the spitroast position, being porked at both ends by three fat hairy old white guys with swastika tattoos. iR|Focalor is one of them. Nevertheless, the point is Tranny Tren evaded what he had coming. McAss received zero punishment for his-her actions. There are many other racists floating around who have not been reprimanded. 888 has been harassed on several occasions by Tastyspleen administration and by players. Pasta was muted for weeks for doing ZERO action to deserve a mute and his binds get targeted for spam filtration. Something is still not right here. It seems like there is a certain favored specific target of privilege here. More to come...

UPDATE: 10.28.22. SMH & clenching my eyebrows with thumb and pointer finger. This is so irritating. WHAT is the obsession with 888? Why must everything roll back to a conversation about 888? I will tell you why, because 888 is Truth. And Tranny Tren (since the beginning) has been trying to covertly silence 888 for The Truth. Tranny Tren has used some of the most derogatory & vulgar language that has ever been seen on the servers. Tranny Tren has gotten into more arguments, with more players, than anyone on that server. Yet, he wants to target 888 for hack accusations and harassment of innocent players? WHY target 888? There are a grip of players accusing other players of hacks; and 888 NEVER harasses innocent players. Again, why are we targeting 888 so hard? Because 888 speaks THE TRUTH is why. 888 has been abused too much without proper due process. The Admin, who I originally thought was Claire finally making some sense, said post condumps to back up all your accusations about 888. Show the entire context and then we go from there. "It has been the Tastyspleen way." Tranny Tren is just spouting nonsense about 888, and twisting lies, in an attempt to get what he wants. And what he wants is for the players to believe a LIE. Plenty of players have called Tranny Tren (as well as other players) hackers. 888 has NEVER been caught cheating, nor does he cheat, nor has he used spam bots. 888 is just a proven phenomenal player who dominates Tranny Tren's bitch ass because Tranny Tren is owned and operated by The Moo Alliance. Yes, Tranny Tren's (well used for non-exit services) butthole is OWNED, he has to ask permission from 888 and The Moo Alliance before he can even use it to TAKE A SHIT. And 888 being QUAKE GOD is what truly chaps Tranny Tren's dirty racist owned (by The Moo Alliance) hoe hack ass. 888 = QUAKE GOD!! Back up your unsubstantial accusations against 888 with condumps or some other irrefutable proof. Pasta Ssempa and others follow the standard. Why is Tranny Tren an exception? See, what Tranny Tren is doing is stepping outside what is expected, by being a racist, and thinking he is above doing what is warranted and what is simple common courtesy. This is is what the privileged do and always expect results to be in their favor. But ultimately, There Is A GOD, Who can reach outside of a game, and HE ALWAYS Sees To TRUE JUSTICE. More to come...


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