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Quake 2

Writer's picture: SentinelSentinel

Updated: May 1, 2021

I was introduced to Quake 2 many years ago and was trained by the best of the best. My mentors hated cheats and hacks and those upstanding ethics were passed down to me. Not too long ago, I picked up the game and learned how to play very well rather quickly because I remembered many things they told me. I recently spoke to some of the players from those days and they introduced me to better games and confirmed that the ones “running” Quake 2 have their click and they allow certain things among each other that they do not give to everyday players. There are several players running around using wall hacks. My mentors and I disagree with this abusive form of tyranny.

Many great players have moved on from Quake 2. There are a certain players (not great players) who have remained through the entirety; with the goal to bully players into acting how they see fit. This communism approach does not promote free will or unique character.

Tastyspleen has sought to monopolize on the entire Quake 2 world. What kind of name is “Tastyspleen” anyway? Anyways, Tastyspleen is led by an individual who goes by the name of “Quadz”. However, he supposedly hates Quad/BFG, but has the name “Quadz”? Makes sense? No sense - but hang tight this is just the tip of the berg. It is evident that the runners of Tastyspleen have tried to put all of Quake 2 users under their one Quake 2 world order by introducing the WallFly. WallFly was a strategy developed by Tastyspleen owners to control any users, on any servers, that incorporated WallFly. Let me clarify this in a way you understand. If you get banned/muted/kicked on a Tastyspleen server and go over to a non Tastyspleen server that has WallFly, that “punishment” was meant to follow you. Tyranny? Communism? Control freak? All these thoughts should come to mind. Tastyspleen uses WallFly to monitor and evade other user’s privacy, even on servers that are not ran by Tastyspleen. Do you consider this to be an invasion of privacy? Tastyspleen owners viewing other users’ IP Addresses via WallFly and sharing them with each other? We know the answer.

I am the type of person who likes to give anyone in authority the benefit of the doubt. Meaning, they must give me a reason and show me that they are lacking before I take it upon myself to rightfully label them. I am a person of ethics, morals, and good character. I hold these values close and judge accordingly by their standards and their limitations. I pride myself on precision and good work. I believe the Quake 2 community should not have to deal with spam when they try and play a game. Do you remember a while back when the Tastypleen DM server was full of spam for three days straight and I finally got it fixed? “Quadz” was nowhere around.

888 has a reputation of taunting and being a really good player without cheating. Quake 2 has taunts incorporated in the game, so I do not see an issue with taunting. I also do not see an issue with being a good player without cheating, but other players apparently find it bothersome. These players appear to have a bit of extra help (some would call it hacks) and still 888 was beating them and taunting them. These losers to 888 made it clear that they were good friends with “Quadz” and he would do anything they requested. No mod would do such a thing to appease some pride hurt losers to 888, would he? “Quadz” has been watching 888 taunt for several months and never said a word to 888 about it. There are other players who taunt more than 888; however, the big difference was 888 was killing them all that day and they could not stand it.

“Quadz” never had a discussion with 888, nor did he give him a warning when he implemented a half-mute. The half-mute was not attached to the name, but to an IP Address. Why you ask? Let’s dig. I sent “Quadz” an email a while back about players impersonating 888 and asked him to do something about it. He did nothing. Apparently, he was okay with others using the name “888” and loved to hear what they had to say. Perhaps, he enjoyed how they tried to tear down 888’s impressive stats. If you check 888’s stats, doesn’t matter what they say, the stats show 888 on top every week. See, that’s why he did not half-mute the name. Another time, there were racial slurs being spewed from a player and it was offending other players in the community. I contacted “Quadz” about it, with detailed screenshots, and he did nothing. A month or two later, I implored two other players to contact “Quadz” about the racial issues and “Quadz” comes in the game to address the player, talk with him, and nothing happened to that player. Again, did “Quadz” contact 888 in respectable manner before the half-mute to discuss anything? The answer is no. He gave a racist more respect. Of course, I contacted “Quadz” about the half-mute and received no response. You see, I am a person of upstanding character, morals, and respect. I have learned over the years that respect is earned where it is given. Recently, those same players whined to "Quadz" again about 888 and again he showed favoritism and reacted without a discussion with 888. Furthermore, there was no Terms of Service to base the decision off to conclude. It is Tyranny at its worst. I still have received no response from my email inquiries to his actions. And he reacted before Pepp’s post, but wants to act like it was because of Pepp’s post. How can you respect this structure? Now “Quadz” tries to twist and back pedal to make something true that is lacking. Again, how can you respect that? I highly suspect "Quadz" aliases as a player in the game and 888 has talked trash to him as well as he laid a whooping down upon him. This would explain his bias obsession towards 888. 888 could be in the game minding his own business and "Quadz' would go out of his way to mute him. Why continue to harass 888 if you were not obsessed? First, "Quadz" causes 888 to drag/lag by whatever devices he utilizes. "Quadz" does this in hopes to see 888 lose. Many games 888 has recognized the drag and then the mute shortly after; therefore, he knows "Quadz' is behind it. 888 should not be continuously harassed - especially if he is not doing anything. Furthermore, he does not allow 888 to register to post on the Tastyspleen forums to defend his position; as everyone runs their mouths about him. He wants to control people and what they see; for his benefit. The tyrant mentality is not the proper way to show leadership. Like I said before, playing on on other platforms shows clearly the lacking in the Tastyspleen network.

There are a few other players who battle with the actions that “Quadz” does in the dark. Many players just do not know about what is going on because it is kept from them. 888 Is A Legend. He was getting too good without cheats, and some players close to “Quadz” were licking their wounds too often because of 888. Quake 2 has an ignore feature that any player can use to ignore any player they wish. Why did they just not use this? Why did “Quadz’ not just tell them to use this? This is greater than anything “Quadz” and his minions might conjure up as truth to continue to deceive the masses. Because if it were not that huge, “Quadz” would have simply said use the ignore feature and that’s that.

False accounts are created by the runners of Tastyspleen to create an illusion and false perception of 888, as well as other various things in general. In these fake personas, they claim 888 played and screamed hacks; however, 888 did not even play at all on those days. A form of communism at its worst? These are all just ploys to control the players/masses. When will the lies stop?!!

I am Truth, so you will hear it from me. I play other games with players that use to play Quake 2. I see the things that are lacking in the Quake 2 community. You cannot stop a person from playing Quake 2. You can just pretend you have power and this is the 90s. I knew this from the beginning. I was trying to respect structure, but sometimes structure needs to be rebuilt. 888 deserves a better class of player, an apology, as well as reparations. 888 For Life!!!!



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