I’m going to cut straight to the point on this. This isn’t even really too funny to me. I really don’t want to spend too much time on it, but community awareness is a must because I would want someone to tell me the truth. Beaver (aka Beav, Bev, Benevolent) is not at all what he presents himself to be. Now, we can dive deep into all the details regarding this person, but again I am not going to waste too much time on it. This is more so for awareness, not so much for entertainment. I really don’t find any humor in this. Bev is bad. BTW Bev asked 888 to give him a new name. 888 gave him the “Benevolent” under a false character. Now, Bev runs around with the stolen name “Benevolent”.
I am going to tell you what he is because he has been analyzed. Bev is a semi-pro manipulator. He has been doing it most of his entire life I imagine, so naturally you become good at something you practice again and again. He was a stripper, but he was a manipulator far before then. Usually, manipulator mentality people seek out these types of jobs/roles to manipulate money out of people and whatever else they can. We all know what “adult entertainment” work is about, but what many don’t focus on is the mentality of the one "performing" the entertainment.
Really trying to make this short because we can go into pages and pages on this with examples of how Bev is in fact NOT mental in the head. This is what he wants certain people to think. However, a mental person is not truly aware of what they are doing. The premediation on Bev’s part shows he is fully aware. Now, I give people warning shots all the time. Bev can consider this a warning if he wants, because I will bury him on a level that is darker than anything you’ve ever seen. I don’t even think I approve of that direction because it is not funny at all. unholy was recently crying about being cut down on these blogs, but he’s had several warnings in the past and continued to cut up. Just shut your mouth and maybe your "beat down" will get dialed back, but this isn’t about unholy. I believe Bev is part of the worst in the Q2 community.
For those who don't see it, you’re just not paying attention. You ever see that movie “Primal Fear”? That spin artist ending still gives me chills. That is exactly what you are dealing with here. Bev has been banned so many places, not because he is “out of control” and can’t help himself. He is fully aware of what he is doing. He just believes if he keeps pushing, people will eventually give him what he wants. He wants to manipulate people by creating a scenario and tugging on their emotions because he has discovered this to work. And when it does not work (like anybody like this), they get angry and nasty. I’m telling you to watch the movie “Primal Fear”. Overall, Bev uses emotions to provoke, control, and get what he wants. And if he doesn't get it, he gets nasty and desperately tries to turn the world against the person(s) he can’t control; and/or until the noncompliant person(s) gives in to him. He is relentless in this matter because if he is not, many will see right through him. This is why, when a person does this "chaos" and "noise" (to basically control/direct your emotions), you need to keep a cool head, focus, pay attention, and see what is actually there. Bev has discovered this emotional control over people works for the most part and he has been doing it most his life. He is not a victim, but he is easy prey to people like 888. His “game” doesn’t work on 888. He thought he could control 888. Again, there are plenty of examples, but he had no control over 888. He tried, but it failed. So he had to jump ship because he saw 888 was getting closer and closer to seeing what he was really about. Now, he wants to control you, like he does Ziutek. That is exactly where he wants everybody, where Ziutek is at. He will praise you to control you. He will get you angry to control you. He will make you feel sorry for him to control you. He will use what you are emotionally passionate about to control you. Why? You ask. Why would anybody think like this? You might say, “I don't think like this.” I felt the same way as you, but I discovered some people just don't have anything genuine to offer so they create something that isn't real. Does that make sense? They feed off your emotions. Sex comes with emotions - adult entertainment.
Well, what does Bev want you might ask. Bev wants some "throne" to stand on and push everyone around. I know some of you might find it hard to believe because of how much time he spends on convincing you of a false sympathetic reality towards himself. But you have to understand, if everyone sees him for what he truly is, he will cease to exist and this is Bev’s fear. So Bev works extremely hard to keep up the lie, the distortion, the alternate emotional reality; because he wants to be “relevant”. Bev has nothing really to offer does he? He piggybacks off people with "clout" and manipulates (from the emotional state) what he wants. Understand, Bev feels he has power when he has successfully manipulated a person and emotionally reduced them to eating out the palm of his hand. Again, I have examples for days.
It was clear 888 was cornering Bev as Bev started doing things that were unethical and worked against what 888 represented as a whole. Bev didn’t like this because 888 was showing no signs of being emotionally controlled by Bev. So Bev started doing more snake activities and showing his true motives. People were notifying 888 of Bev’s actions and questioned his agenda.
Bev wants a "throne" where he controls all aspects of the Q2 game through the manipulation of players. With this power, he then could be “king” as he makes people play Railwarz CTF or he will excommunicate them. This is so far-fetched for a person to think they can do this, you might say. However, the guy has no moral boundaries or common decency for human nature. Just observe (unemotionally distracted) what he does. He doesn't stop at any empathy for people, but relentlessly continues with his will as he strives to achieve this obsession for “absolute power”. Bev will latch onto anyone’s clout (positive or negative) to work towards this. Ask yourself, outside of gripping onto other people’s statuses and creating “noise” (to control your emotion), who is Bev?
888 started servers in Q2 Remastered because nobody was fully running games the way 888 wanted to play. Many liked 888’s setup and dogpiled on the server. Bev saw the success and used it as a gathering ground to suck people into his emotional manipulative web of deceit. 888 spoke to Bev about bombarding people (who are here to have a good time), with these dark stories. Bev did not like this (one of many examples). Bev didn’t want to help 888 run servers, especially when the servers were going through a lot of terrible issues, but Bev wanted to continue gathering new victims to groom for his manipulation. Now that he has been kicked, he has no problem with servers up (copying 888’s initiative, direction, and layout). Again, one of many things we can dive into that show Bev is not what he wants the world to think.
Bev doesn’t care about any other mod but Railwarz CTF (I'm starting to question if he even cares about Q2 period), but wants to control all mods in order to control the players. He uses various mod jargon (Deathmatch servers, TDM discords) to gather new victims. And Bev sees Q2 Remastered as a great breeding ground for his emotional manipulation tactics. There is so much more, but I think this is enough for now. Now you know the gist of what is going on here. You are now held accountable for your actions and decisions. It’s all right there - look past the noise, the fiction, the story. Join The Real Q2 Discord (click).
Ending Spoiler Alert!!!! Might want to watch the movie first.