As some have noticed, there is a new server up. Figured I do a blog announcement about it for clarity. The vision I had for this server was to combine elements from different games and place them into one location. One drop down all out talent measurer and skill developer. Therefore, you will notice there are many mod attributes while you play. Another key factor I wanted to focus on was "training". As I created this server, Rambo popped in my head a lot. "Let's train", he often says. On this server you can do that. As long as you don't CHEAT yourself, you will grow. Better learn how to use the blaster. If you aren't good with the blaster, you will learn the importance of it quickly here. This is how they trained many years ago. "You are given a blaster, use it." You will discover a blaster will determine the outcome of a win more often than not. This server naturally is of the scalable design. During some test runs it has already been declared better than the current DM servers. Well, the majority of the current servers are limited in their capabilities and outdated, so there is no surprise there. This server is beyond that and has capitalized on innovation without losing that original essence of Quake 2. Plus the utilization of well-developed maps and top-notch killer map overrides, used to push a player's skill into a higher dimension, is prominent. Good maps deserve to be ran and not stashed hidden and/or thrown away. Anyways, there is more to be said, but that is enough for now. Let's get it.

888's Server IP:
PS: There are a lot of lies going around about 888 and 888 affiliates. Alleged things we have done, said, and our current standings. Most of it is false to create a fabricated illusion. Unless you hear something directly from us, don't buy into the haters. They are bottom feeders. Remember, we bathe in the tears of our haters and fine dine on their whines.