Hi. Just want to say, we truly appreciate all the support and positive votes. We will continue (and Beyond) for the Real Players. It is truly awe-inspiring how popular this website is, and has become. It gives us all a great sense of accomplishment knowing we help shape the future of the gaming industry. So yeah, eat a three month old dead herpes infected (virus one and virus two) horse dick Fuckalore-BITCH (aka FecalOdor, Focalor). SpawnGirl Lives!! Tasty and its minions have always been a step behind...or looking in wrong direct:
888 has been playing with all kinds of crazy pings lately. Truly amazing how well he manages to do under such harsh conditions. Product of The Legacy in being The True Quake GOD. #SpawnGirl.
No doubt the current favorite Quake & Bake song of many (from 888 Records) is “Suk My Dik” - even players are chanting its praise over in the Q2-Remastered side of the house. Keep up the Downloads and Donations, as it helps us to continue to build a great atmosphere for the youth!!
I know there are a few individuals worried about how they are going to deeply, and properly, please THE GREAT 888 when the time comes (RailWolf, etc). Well, I’m providing this demo/instructional video below to assist your Salty Bottom Bitch Asses. You’re welcome!!