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Many want to challenge 888 THE QUAKE GOD, but 888's LEGACY Is Just TOO STRONG!! #kneel # spawny

Writer's picture: SentinelSentinel

Updated: Dec 27, 2023

Sigh. It is very unnecessarily redundant that we are here needing to add clarity to this situation, especially when there are more important items at stake that burden the community. Nevertheless, if you are unaware 888 and the BIG BEAV GAMES take place many times in the Remastered world of Q2. The Remastered studied 888's journey to incorporate many factors/settings that now have been adopted into the Remaster. Like Beav said, 888 pretty much saved the Q2 DM/FFA community. Amazing how 888 THE GREAT is being a great influence in the gaming community and setting thought provoking trends to be emulated. 888 is a True Hero of The Gaming world and BottomWolf's plump ass is salivating greatly, just yearning to swallow all of 888's Good Stuff. The main thing I am not a huge fan of is the larger HitBox that is adopted in the Remaster, but I am guessing it has something to do with CrossPlay within other platforms. Nevertheless, it throws off the comfort range you are use to displaying when dodging an enemy's weapon. I know Rambo is loving this aspect, but I personally think it really takes away from the original Q2 feel - so much so 888 stops using the railgun (at times) because the land is too easy and it sometimes feels like strong bullshit.

This brings us to the next point. Some guys feel they are earning something by spawn camping the map with a railgun. 888 stops playing with those guys really, that isn't Q2. It isn't right and is not fair to other players just trying to play Q2 the right way. It messes up the entire flow (fun) of the game. Some idiot who can't play, finding some form of a "loophole" to get a "win" - not really a Q2 win though because that is not Q2. And all the regular players, who are trying to play, just keep doing the same thing in hopes to get up. But many don't get that they need to lock it down when this type of idiot is prowling around. And when 888 locks it down, waiting for this idiot to leave, the idiot is killing everyone and 888 doesn't be killing as much because this is NOT the game 888 wants to play. The idiot basically induces a different game, which 888 has no interest in indulging. Idiots who play like this do not have a true love for The Game. See, you can always depend on some meth-head, backwards ass, racist, dumb cock sucker for crack to do stupid things in this world. Oh, that describes derek (aka unh0ly) to the T.

888 wears his flag with "888" constantly because he is proud of 888 THE QUAKE GOD and the unparallel accomplishments. 888 is a well-known public figure in the gaming community. This is why the Remaster has many elements 888 has previously advocated. So 888 is like Michael Jordan - doesn't really need to play another game in his life because his stats are stronger than the blue of shloo's hairy baby balls if she ever lost her grip on Beav's discord. See there are several Kobe's in the games who want to step to the goat, but 888 has a Legacy. Spawn camping a bunch of inexperienced players to appear to be first in a match, simply is not going to build you as a legend, nor touch 888's AWE-INSPIRING Legacy. 888 built his Legacy from the ground up with true grit and grind - no shortcuts. This is why 888 THE QUAKE GOD's Legacy is SO STRONG and 888 is SO GREAT. 888 does not have to play another game in his life and his Legacy will remain. Michael Jordan understood this, this is why Kobe's "wins" didn't carry much weight when it came to TRUE LEGACY - same with 888 THE QUAKE GOD.

888 plays several games in a period, so no he doesn't go 100% every game. It's called intelligent management or you will get burned out. 888 wears his flag because he is an honorable player. You cannot hide behind a nobody alias and try to openly claim some sort of praise. It really doesn't work like that considering there are many elements that come into play that take away from that "achievement". Some players hide because they know if 888 makes a point to kill you, you are good as dead. So they hide and play possum to lessen the wrath of 888 THE QUAKE GOD. The outcome (from playing in this state) is really nothing to talk about, let alone attempt to try and boast about. You didn't honorable earn anything, hiding. Does that make sense? Now walk with me. Look over the horizon, past RailWolf's oiled up plump ass in just red leather sparkling chaps, what do you see? 888 THE QUAKE GOD is The Past, Present, and The Future of the gaming community. #SpawnGirl

unh0ly daily does an assortment of drugs (like many people do vitamins). Ask him. derek is a meth head that lives in a trailer park. He has (and does) suck dick for crack. Again, ask him about it. Now, unh0ly keeps running his racist mouth, hence why he is here. I really find him to be truly insignificant to the growth of the community. He has really no value for the growth in content of the website. Yet, he feels the urge to consistently hound 888's Legacy and try to tear down those Jericho type of walls. The walls of 888 cannot be tore down. Furthermore, derek did some dirty things to Beav when all Beav tried to do was be his friend. The guy (unholy) desperately wants to be a Q2 figure. Sadly, the track he is on has proven he simply does not have what it takes - especially with his pak cheat modifications. So, unh0ly is begging to be outed. I feel sorry for the guy, that's why I really ignore his modified cheats. He has them and still sucks at Q2. I have several demos of 888 manhandling unh0ly (without even really trying). unh0ly's speed hack has him flying all over the map, 888 just sits in one spot and rail snipes derek's meth head in the air like that old school Duck Hunt game. Seriously, the guy is on some mad drugs and lies about like everything. Crack heads suck some mean dick for some crack...suck some serious mean dick. Bet unh0ly has a mouth like a HOOVER Vacuum. Furthermore, that map dust he supposable modified was an extension from SpawnGirl's dust map. Personally, I think SpawnGirl's map version is still far superior. The girl was just talented!! Hear that? shloo just screamed and threw her laptop out the window in a pit of rage.

unh0ly comes around like a snake in his intentions. He comes on the server (in the Remaster) as "unh0ly" and then disconnects really quick. We all thought that it was weird. He changed his name, because he is ashamed of himself, and he had the intentions of being a sneaky snake to try and prove something. He knows if he wears an unholy tag, he might get more pressure than he can bear because he is not a QUAKE GOD. We wind up going on his hosted server (not knowing it was unh0ly's crackheaded self) and we are lagging like crazy while he has like 2 ping. That trailer park where he lives has a nearby bullshit connection. unh0ly proceeds to continually (and desperately) spawn camp players on the map who are lagging with 100 times his ping. At this point, 888 really isn't even trying to play with this guy because unh0ly ruining the game for all the legit players. unholy is just desperate to be something in the Q2 community and wishes he was half as cool as The Legendary 888. But riddle me this guys, how does he make something of himself outside of his standing name and using a throw away alias? Doesn't make much sense. Must be the crack withering away what is left of his rottening away racist brain. Again, seriously, he sucks mad dick to pay for his drug habit. So much so he should start his own vacuum service. unholy doesn't really work, and his last known job ain't covering his drug addictions, so he gobbles mad dicks for crack and meth. Ask him.

There was an open TDM match going on. 888 joins the losing guy (as usual) as a challenge to dig out of the hole. The teams were at one point 4 on 2 as well as some players would come and go. So you can see how things can be unstable, but we weren't too concerned as we were trying to level it out. unh0ly (revealed later) was running around again desperately (and repeatedly) spawn fragging the same guy as we are trying to sort through things in a calm and casual manner. Then in the end unh0ly says, "I have a screenshot!!" Everyone concurred, "this dumbass." See, unh0ly makes no sense because the drugs are starting to really take their toll on him, along with his head being banged on so much as cocks are being shoved deeper down his throat. The combination of these just cannot have good results on his brain, obviously. Also, unholy randomly tries to be friends with Beav and/or 888, and then later talks morbit trash. This contributes to the fact that the guy is losing his mind. Perhaps someone should do a welfare check on the guy? unholy would probably just try to suck you off thinking you have drugs. Sigh, enough of this bull junk on my blog. The guy is a joke and will never be on 888 THE QUAKE GOD's LEVEL; no matter how much he hides, lies, and tries to make things look like what they are not.

See you guys in the BIG GAMES. We usually have a some server up in the Remaster. Rambo be kicking some ass, he loves that bigger HitBox.

How 888 THE QUAKE GOD feels at times:

Unfortunately, being 888 THE GREAT LEGEND comes with a price.

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