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Is it possible for hack trash to even technically "win"???

Writer's picture: SentinelSentinel

Updated: Mar 21, 2022

I realize there are some who do not understand what cheats (trash) are in the world of Quake 2. I know there is an anti-cheat on many servers; howbeit, it is outdated and evidently does not stop all hack trash from entering the matches. Whether this is the way the server administration wants it to be (as I have been told), or it is because admins are inattentive to it, trash in the matches is a reality. Wall hacking is a good baseline to properly label and identify a piece of dirty trash. If they are wall hacking, chances are they dabble in an assortment of other cheats. Therefore, if they are wall hacking, they can be dismissed as a legit player. They can simply be referred to as trash, garbage, waste, feces, et cetera. Personally, from the point of discover on, they become irrelevant. Whether they get the most kills or not, I feel they are a waste of space. I am waiting for them to depart so there could be some decent games. If anything, trash becomes more of just annoying noise and unwanted interference.

If you know what you are looking for, wall hacking is easy to spot. Trash can see an entire map without the interference of walls. Therefore, an innocent player, hiding behind a wall, has little to no tactical support. Trash can fire a weapon (rocket/bfg) with the anticipation of an innocent player getting hit once exposed. They can position themselves to attack a player from the rear. They can drop fatal fire (grenades) where they know players are located. They can keep their distance from a player who has got quad/invincibility and/or perhaps just got heavy armor/mega health. They can get a head start running away from a player who is coming in hard with quad/bfg. They can see when items such as quad, mega health, and armor are restored and go directly to them. They can engage, and be already in attack mode, before the other innocent player is even aware. Many of these wall hacks show the opposing players’ names; therefore, they can target a single innocent player if they choose. Typically, trash prefers to work together because they function from the same low level, sewer scum mentality. Trash finds this "hack secret" among fellow trash to be funny, which adds to their pathetic existence in this abomination.

888 typically holds his own with trash and he is not even trying. 888 finds trash to be a waste of space and does not value them as true competition. They are subpar and inferior because they require cheats to even be “relevant”. This is why 888 is the best player. 888 does not use cheats and still dominates. These trash players have no skill head-to-head. This is why they always cheap shot 888 from behind/side and jump him when other players are already engaged in trying to take 888 out. 888 is always being jumped/targeted because it is the ONLY way players stand a chance at getting him. After all, 888 is The Best.

One hack trash, who admitted that he hacks, asked 888 why he doesn't just hack to "even" out the playing field. 888 informed him that this maneuver would not be fair to the innocent players who play candidly. See, 888 does not primarily play Quake 2 to compete with hack trash. 888 plays Quake 2 to play with real players. Trash messes up the entire vibe of a match and throws off the whole equilibrium of the game. The true conclusion of a match is altered by the presence of hack trash. Trash produces a false outcome to what would have been if all parties were even-handed. The real end result to an honest match is cheated. Denying innocent players this truth is what really is appalling. It reinforces how much of a bottom feeder, scum vomit, the hack trash really is.

If these “players” wanted to show they were not cheating, they would stream live and/or have a cam on their screen. However, they will not do this because they know they would be terrible without having cheats as a crutch. One individual tried to stream live (without cheats) and he played terrible. He did not even know how to react in battle and could not even score in the top ten. When a trash player is so used to cheating a certain way, they cannot function playing the correct way.

The best way to beat an average cheat is in a fast-paced environment. This provides less reaction time and lower analyzation cycles for the cheat. This is why 888 usually wins (without even trying) the fast-paced maps when trash is mixed up in the matches.

Wall hacking, back in the day, started out as kind of an experiment. Eventually it became clear (all pun intended) wall hacking is a form of cheating. Still, cheats would be held onto (by many that still play today) and used as far as allowed. Trash has no place and/or value with true players. Winning by hacking is not a win at all. These losers have failed at life and cannot wholeheartedly claim a "victory" they did not earn. Player up, get some skill, and earn your spot. Trash = LOSER.

I have been told MaD:man!pulat0r is great partaker in trash, part of the "cow" entourage, and good friends with the admin.



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