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In order for evil to prevail, men for Good must do nothing. #888 #community #shadowelite #bev

Writer's picture: SentinelSentinel

Updated: Mar 1, 2024

In order for evil to prevail, men for Good must do nothing. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual wickedness. See, the enemy won’t allow its possessed person’s mind to rest. The person controlled by evilness will constantly fear something is out to get them. That is Bev’s dilemma at the moment. Yes, we will touch more on that later.

For a community to thrive, it must come together under what is to be the "common good" for all mankind. No person should feel excluded or abused in a community; for all make up the community. If division is built, the growth of a community gets stifled. Growth is a must in daily life in order to obtain success. Growth in mind, body, and soul. Most important is to protect and maintain the mind; for where your mind is, the body and soul will follow.  

Every now and then, a person comes along that impacts your entire sense of being and potentially modifies your entire trajectory. It’s not so much dependent on what they do, as in who they are that follows by what they do (if that makes sense). 

This past weekend, ShadowElite (part of USDQC) ran a friendly event without any negative connotations attached. 888 is a Top-Ranked player on their dedicated Q2 Server (non-Remastered) and has supported many of their events. Bev sees “888” at event and immediately starts to try and manipulate ShadowElite into kicking "888". That’s Bev’s goal and he believes it to be obtainable by any means necessary. So Bev proceeds to tell lies about 888 and continues to be highly disruptive, even after another member from USDQC (Chuma) basically tells Bev to stop. Bev straight ignores it all and continues pursuing what Bev wants done. In previous blogs, we’ve discussed all these “maneuvers” Bev does - these emotional control tactics. Ultimately, Bev instructed ShadowElite on how to kick a player (hoping to have SE kick "888"), just to windup getting kicked by SE himself. It was the right choice on SE’s part; and neither him nor 888 can stand liars.

Bev was part of ShadowElite's community in their discord. From the kick, Bev starts saying stupid/toxic things in USDQC's discord (trying desperately to gain some control) and gets banned right away from USDQC’s discord. ShadowElite was sure to thank Bev for teaching him how to kick players in the Remaster 🙂.

If you are unaware, Bev is known for gathering anybody and everybody to his discord to “rule” them (by sending multiple invites and spamming messages). From there, people build on top of whatever channel(s) suits them. No wonder shloo and TDM wanted their separation. So anyone who disagrees with Bev, he attacks and/or kicks from that discord and games (if possible). Bev is constantly kicking anyone he suspects as 888 and/or anyone who disagrees with him. Again, this goes back to that “absolute power” control Bev desires to have and his fear of 888. These recent events are just more confirmation on what Bev actually is.

From the game kick and discord ban, Bev continues on his own discord (where he gathers all his victims to rule/control them) and proceeds to talk about SE and USDQC like a dog. The “nasty” things he was saying in order to try and gain control of USDQC; along with the attempt to turn the community against USDQC/SE. Like stated in previous blogs, the deeper Bev gets away from the manipulation control he desires, the nastier he will get trying to get that “control”. SE didn't do anything wrong and anyone with a logical brain can see that. 888 didn’t do anything wrong when he removed Bev for his actions. Claire removed Bev as well. Several communities, and social media platforms, have removed Bev. Bev doesn’t want to “get along'' with people, he wants to control/rule people through manipulation and have drama with a team of bullies to back his bulliness. Bev will just link arms with anyone (racist or not) who will serve what he wants. Bev has zero integrity or morals. This is why I say he is one of the worst in the community. A person like this is a disease and Bev has zero desire to change. In real-time (with his interaction with SE/USDQC), you see Bev do everything mentioned in the previous blogs.  

ShadowElite didn’t deserve to be talked about in such a barbaric manner for no real reason (even if Bev disagreed with SE’s position on 888 or not). We might disagree on some things, but that should not compromise common decency and mutual respect. Again, Bev doesn’t care about those things. Bev might pretend to care about those characteristics of integrity, but his actions speak otherwise. Bev wants to cause division in the community for the drama (Bev loves drama); so he can sit on a throne/soapbox and bully/rule people. SE picked up on this division tactic immediately. Bev doesn’t want peace, but division and war. It's because Bev isn’t even a real Q2 player at heart, so he doesn't care about the game really. He randomly comes back (several months at a time) to start drama and then leaves again; but he needs some kind of soapbox/throne waiting for him to come back and spout his drama from (the bigger the crowd, the better is how he sees it).

My question is how are you people (who are in his discord), standing by and letting him spread so many lies and talk with such vulgarity about people? You say/do nothing? How do you explain yourself? We are still held accountable for what we stand by and let occur. Bev is pushing nothing but toxicity. Bev didn't start playing in the Q2 Remaster until after 888 started and Bev saw the opportunity to gather and manipulate more victims. Making it clear, Bev doesn’t really play Q2 (hence why he is so terrible at the game). Bev is far from a DM and/or TDM player. Bev just comes around to start some drama, leave, and come back to do it again. The reason he is making an effort to be around so long (at this moment) is because he wants some strong foundational roots set, where he can have no problem coming back into some kind of power/throne for his soapbox/bulliness. Howbeit, it's proving to be quite the unachievable as 888 has been proven to be an Unrootable Force. In Bev's panic for control, he kicks/bans many people. Bev's mind is losing stability. Yes, the phase after "infatuation" is panic (Bev fears now he will lose it all); for Bev is being exposed and his "walls" of manipulation are collapsing. Scales are coming off people's eyes as they are wising up. Many have already declared that the previous articles concerning Bev's "condition" are spot-on. It is actually Bev who is the bully, has tons of alternative accounts to do nuisanic activity, and does basically everything he claims others (he has a problem with) do.

We tried reaching out to some of the members in Bev’s discord to get an understanding of how they can stand by and allow such disgusting conduct in the community. Many claim they “just want to play”. Well (as we stated to them), we all “just want to play”, but the bullying and overt disrespect is unacceptable and WE (as a community) cannot knowingly stand by and allow such toxicity. ShadowElite didn’t deserve any of that disrespect Bev delivered. 888 doesn’t deserve it. Even shloo didn’t really deserve it…well, maybe not all of it 🙂. If 888 doesn’t want to work with you anymore, move on. If shloo doesn’t want to work with you anymore, move on. Bev sought out to work with 888 and then Bev broke 888’s Code of Conduct. Move on, quit going on 888’s server to spam/advertise, and quit talking about 888 so much. It’s Bev who is starting the drama, and continues the toxic drama. Don’t be an enabler of it

Many are wondering why Bev is talking so much about 888, blaming everything on 888, spreading as many lies as he can about 888. Bev is trying to ensure/gain control of the people he has left (and strongly manipulate new comers) because he realizes now how powerful 888 really is. Bev underestimated 888 and overestimated himself when dealing with 888. Bev now knows 888 is more powerful than anyone he has attempted to bully and/or encountered. 888 has now exposed Bev, many say the articles are spot-on about Bev, and Bev knows it is just a matter of time (at this rate) before all his walls of manipulation will collapse on him. So he needs to retain as much control as possible with the people who still give him “some” play, and remove anyone who might sway with a different opinion. Bev is scared (of losing whatever he has left in the manipulation control of people); and for this is terrified of 888. Bev knows he fucked up and tried to mess with the wrong person. 888 Is The Quake GOD and True Justice will be Served. 


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