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Bottom Haters remain OBSESSED with 888

Writer's picture: SentinelSentinel

I have been asked many times what I am involved with in this life outside of the Quake society. I actually am a Summa Cum Laude graduate. I have a degree in Information Technology with an emphasis in Cyber security. It took a lot of hard work, dedication, and perseverance. I made up my mind that failure was not an option and that only produced success. With this thought process, success has no choice but to concede. I have done several recording albums, performed many shows, and met various well known names. However, I discovered that the music business is not what it appears to be and I need success to be genuinely granted in order for me to accept it as a true accomplishment. And that value can only be measured by the standards of God, not by what mere man declares successful. The musical gift/talent can never be tainted and/or sold out; so we wait (and tread cautiously) ensuring the next Sprint is Ordained and Blessed. I have sat down with record labels and they have told me what they wanted my music to be like, but it contradicted with what the music is suppose to be. It is easy to get lost when you are not focused on the Goal. This is why it is important to Stay Focused.

Many decisions I have made focused on the end goal or needed objective. You cannot let outside interference dictate where you drift. You do not want to be nothing more than a dust particle that goes wherever the wind blows. If you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything. You need to be a pillar, a rock; therefore, when the wind comes, you will stand steadfast and firm on your Foundation. Maybe I am too deep and expect too much from the overall members of the Quake community. That being said, courtesy and respect should never be two items labeled as too much expectation. I ran some tests yesterday. 888 played on the Tastyspleen DM server and then went to play on another gaming platform. The difference was immense.

888 has been receiving notifications that pepe (aka Pepp) is still relentlessly trying to get 888 (as well as other players) banned from Tastyspleen servers without probable cause. Pepe is just upset because 888 is better than he is, 888 made it clear he does not like pepe, and 888 publicly dissed pepe’s shitty server. These all sound like areas pepe can take as improvement opportunities for himself. Instead, pepe rather continue a hollow pursuit on 888 because pepe’s feelings are hurt. The truth hurts and you will get the truth from 888 because transparency is growth. 888 learned early on that pepe is a two-faced manipulator, a gamer (not as in playing video games), and a liar. Zero respect is given for this breed of character because it cannot be trustworthy. It became abundantly clear, in an interaction pepe had with Quadz, that pepe is a liar. When players are trying to play, pepe likes to sit on the sidelines (in a match) and troll the chat with nonsense. Many have complained that this is irritating, a ghastly distraction, and very disruptive. This behavior is not welcomed in places like TDM. Why does he come in DM with such foolishness? And why has it not been corrected by Tastyspleen admins? Maybe if pepe put down the chat and practiced more, his skill would improve. Pepe really is a worse player than he should be for how long he has been playing. Pepe is terrible and this irritates him that I say this. But, improve - don’t try and ban 888 under false pretenses because you cannot beat 888. A huge turning point was in a match (while 888 and other players were trying to focus and play), pepe says in the chat log that pepe prefers to take it in the ass. I am NOT making this up. Pepe said (in a chat) he prefers to take cock in his ass. No one should have to see that filth when they are trying to play. It repulsed 888 (as it did many other players) and no one should have to intake such vulgarity while they try and enjoy a game. Especially from some hideous nasty prick on the sidelines who has zero skill. Hell, if you do not play a certain amount of time, you should have zero voice to be heard. Pun is another sucky guy, who sits on the sidelines, changes his name constantly to talk shit to 888, but has no teeth in his meow. However, pun kisses TDM ass and therefore Tastyspleen admins allow pun to harass a phenomenal vet player like 888? Does that seem right? No, of course not. These are issues that should be focused on fixing in the Quake community. Remember that fiasco with McAss? Where he-she spoofed 888 in a feeble attempt to try and bring down 888’s impressive stats? That was orchestrated by pepe. Pepe was the root of encouraging McAss into doing this. This is what pepe does in order to create something that is not true. He constantly is in the chat trying to rally players against 888 and Tastyspleen. Recently, pepe did the same thing with the use of Karpuss (aka Karpov). It really is nothing new, but the methods of pepe need to be made known to the community. Pepe is not your friend and he wants to use you for his agenda. Pepe is constantly trying to poach players from Tastyspleen servers to go to his server. He points out that his server has what Tastyspleen servers do not. In order to get what pepe wants, pepe throws hints out there that Tastyspleen is not doing what they are supposed to be doing. I’ve dealt with worse, his devious skills are amateur. Evidently, pepe deeply desires for 888 to plow his blown out ugly ass; but 888 has no desire to put his golden winning mammoth cock anywhere near such a horrendous infected cavity. That is why pepe is so mad, he ain't getting any good dick up his loose rectum, and 888 is far from interested in filling that massive disgusting void.

888 is all about the community, the player, and righteousness. 888 will grow the community more (as he has been asked to do) when he sees it getting on the right track. Yes, 888 can put Quake 2 more on the map (as some have already pointed out). Howbeit, 888 does not have the desire to bring players into a community with such a flawed system.

Like I said, 888 was on Tastyspleen DM yesterday and there were bottom haters running their dick suckers about 888. Pepe, karpuss, and pun were among the instigators. There were other players (trying to enjoy the matches) saying these basic clowns were obsessed with 888 and needed to get off his glorious winning cock. I concur, wait in line bitches. However, 888 went to another gaming platform and it was like heaven compared to the abuse Tastyspleen seems to allow on their servers toward 888. Also, for some reason Tasty servers lag 888, but 888 had no lag at the other gaming location. Yesterday, 888 was lagging so much on the Tastyspleen DM server. This is why it is highly suspected that Tastyspleen intentionally lags 888 to help other players stand a chance. No players really beat 888 at all yesterday due to the continuous lag. If Tastyspleen is not appreciative of 888 and his dedicated contributions, maybe 888 should really leave them behind in the dust. 888 needs to start seeing some more appreciation from the members (including admins). Apologies would be a good start, as well as thank-yous. When in doubt, just follow Pasta Ssempa’s lead. Speaking of which, I was told Pasta Ssempa was kicked from a game, I followed up with a mod and they assured me that Pasta Ssempa was not kicked. People, we must moderate the moderators. Make sure they are doing their responsibilities and doing them according to fairness and equality. They must not abuse their position. If you have any issues with admins/mods, let me know and I will guarantee your voice will not be silenced. The admins/mods MUST be held accountable for their actions. The Truth shall be heard. The Truth shall prevail.

888’s stats are phenomenal and it is not because he uses a plan and/or ducks players. Like I have said before, 888 just has less than zero desire to play with a hack because it has little to no satisfaction. Quadz had 888 down as the Top Killer. Top Killer of Jimmy and any other player you might think is good. That means 888 was not hiding, but out in the forefront. Furthermore, does 888 just play morning or does he play all the time? Make up your minds. See, some people will just make up any story to justify what they want. And what For Crapo (aka |iR|Focalor) wants to do (as he has been desperately trying to do and failing) is to try and take away from 888 what is already given. But For Crapo's attempts are failures because the stats don’t lie. Facts are 888 kills more and dies less, period. 888 was taught: You’re going to get hit. But how you take a hit, when you take a hit, and how you deliver your hit is what matters. For Crapo was trying desperately to improve his stats when the spam bots were on the server, but why was he breaking his neck to kill the spam bots if stats don’t matter to him? For all we know, For Crapo might have brought the spam bots on the server to begin with so he could kill them to raise his below mediocre statistics. And no, the private message option should not be removed from the server. Less crying over 888 because he is constantly buttfucking all you little bottom clown bitches every map, should be removed from the server. The only hope you 888 depositories have is when they lag 888. Recognize and KNEEL. 888 Is QUAKE GOD!!


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