123456 is known to play on occasion late night games with 888. He has heavy admiration for 888 and acknowledges that 888 is the best player of this time. He advocates 888 and speaks highly of his skill level. Overall, he is impressed with 888’s genuine good character. Last week, 123456 was in a game with 888 and an admin kicked him out the game for no real apparent reason. 123456 was just advocating 888. 888 went to tastyspleen management early in the am to inquire about such actions. Again, 888 is for the players. If some injustice was done to 123456, it was not going to be swept under the rug. 123456 did not return to the game that night; therefore, 888 was making sure 123456 was not banned as another bias action without a proper vote and/or talk. The person from tastyspleen management said they did not believe 123456 was banned and had to do some more research. I have not seen 123456 in a game since. Have you?
UPDATE: Player 12345 (there is no "6") is back in action on the servers and more vibrant than ever. He was not banned.