Camp City is a magnificent map. Perhaps, the most intricately designed map that was made for Quake 2 DM. The moment a player sees this map, it is impossible for them not to acknowledge its sophistication as well as its beauty. There was a lot of time that went into this map to make it the amazing map that it is. The fine details are apparent as a player navigates around the playground. It takes a certain level of skill in a player to identify the beauty that lies within this map. Even the late Quadz was amazed with this map. I recall a couple whinners requesting assistance in dealing with 888 and his map selection of the map Camp City; as well as other maps. Quadz flat out said that 888 has IMPECCABLE taste in maps and Camp City is a GREAT map. Therefore, he did NOTHING to entertain and/or accommodate those two whinners. Furthermore, he re-explained how MYMAP is for the players to choose whatever map they want without restrictions. Recently, as you may or may not know, Quadz passed away leaving administration to people such as Claire. Claire does not like the map Camp City and has expressed such thoughts on many occasions. He even stated that he would work on getting it removed. Recently, there were restrictions put on Camp City where an astronomical number of players were needed even for the map to run. 888 made a big deal about this adjustment, informed other players about it, and there was a huge uproar to the injustice done to the beautiful map Camp City. Many players were displeased with the actions cast upon Camp City; some even threatened to stop all forms of donations. Understand, many love the map Camp City and only two players were whining. There was never a vote implemented before the actions were cast upon Camp City. However, again, many players “voted” within the games that they were displeased with what was done to Camp City. Subsequently, Claire dropped the number of players down to seven needed for the map to run. Also, he put a timer on the map where it can only be picked within a certain amount of time intervals. I heavily disagree with this maneuver because two players should be able to enjoy the distance rail that comes with this map if they choose. Some inexperienced players enjoy having twenty players crammed inside a small map; however, true skill is revealed from less players on a larger map. Why single out one map with such nonsense? If a person has a problem with a map, simply don’t play it. Why not invoke the same rules on the other maps as well? This bias junk and favoritism should not be tolerated. Camp City was designed for the DM server and has been in rotation, without being bothered, for years. Why change things because of a bias opinion? I know for a fact that this injustice has caused players to explore other servers. LEAVE IT ALONE!! FREE CAMP CITY!!!!
UPDATE: The map Camp City would not run even with more than seven players. The map was chosen from MYMAP and it still did not run; it boils down to one decision on not allowing the map to run. There was never a VOTE cast to implement a certain amount of players needed for a map. Regardless, the rule should not just be squeezed on one map. This makes 888 lose desire to even play on Tastyspleen. I will do a few more random confirmations, but the server will go to trash with this kind of leadership. My teachers more often keep looking more and more right about Tastyspleen and what it is lacking.
UPDATE: 9.1.22. With the right amount of players, Camp City runs; howbeit, there should not be a limit on the number of players in the game in order for the map to run. I find that appalling. I decided to upload a video of the map here (below) to show its exceptional design. Seems appropriate.
Camp City
00:40. Hurt EM! Got three of them bustards with one shot. Lol.
01:00. Um yeah, excuse you. Trying to have a moment here. You weren’t invited. This character is grapes_of_ass (aka grapes_of_wrath). He use to go by 0691_redrum and he liked 888 very much. However, as time took its toll, he sided more so with the fallen riff raff of Quake society. Other players (such as the player banana) switch from their hating on 888 ways to commending 888. Some choose The Truth and others choose to keep believing a lie. I am sure this correlates with the separation of the wheat from the chaff.
01:12. Look at that. Beautiful. How can anyone hate the BFG.
01:17. Let's clear out the space.
01:20. If you didn’t know, xTc is a cheating lil piece of cow dung. Walls (of course) and has the immediate switch of weapon hack; so zero delay switching between weapons.
01:38. xTc drops in the water firing on 888. Knowing exactly where 888 is, SMH. Such a piece of trash filth xTc is. He uses other aliases as well. Aside from this piece of garbage stalking 888 the entire map, it was a good game. No hacks but this abomination. xTc and 888 were the only athena skins for a long while, so it was easier for xTc to creep to try and ambush 888. Howbeit, xTc might have the wallhack where the name shows as well. Either way, his trashy ass was clearly obsessed with 888 (like the majority of hack trashes are). This reality you will continue to see.
01:40. Look at that HARD STOP juke, and turn with fire, by 888. So good. Psyched xTc out his little trash mind.
01:47. Look at that quick rail fire shot from 888 land. 888 so quick. It looks like this is one of the few times 888 was not lagging all over the place.
01:48. Hi!! Sry, ComeGetSome(). Guess 888 just took some, and then the rest of it lol.
02:02. Look at this xTc wall hacking piece of scum trash lining 888 up from behind the wall. Came out from behind the wall, aiming up at 888, ready to go. So annoying. 888 dodges xTc’s first weak rail, but 888 continues with the original mission (with the attempt to take out the players in the water with BFG) and does not allow trash xTc to deter him from enjoying the game as it should be played. 888 got rail fragged by a hack (xTc), but 888 is not here to play trash hacks. They are a waste of space. 888 could have easily turned and taken xTc out if he wanted to; 888 was BFG and SSG loaded. xTc killed 888 a couple times with chaingun in the back (888 did not even turn around) because 888 does not want to spend a lot of effort and energy fighting a cheat. 888 is kind of a snob like that when it comes to trash. Hack trash are not the point of the game. Fighting a hack will do very little to improve your overall raw skill. It might even make you a worse player. Be careful with this.
02:10. Look at that jump by 888. Phenomenal. Jumped clear over BondageGirl and gave ComeGetSome() a rocket to the face (mid-air) in the process. BondageGirl was so thrown off by 888’s speed, she blew herself up. BondageGirl raged right after and went to RA2. And some haters say 888 cannot move or jump. Please. It’s the lag that makes things tedious for 888. *You guys know you can slow down the playback speed in these videos and watch cool footage in slow motion, right? Try it out, it’s pretty neat.
02:14. That player grabbed the Rocket Launcher and hit the bricks (or the grass in this instance). He was outros with the quickness. Smart choice, 888 would have had that ass. Looks like it might have been the player ComeGetSome() and he did not want an instant repeat of 888 taking it all (more than just some).
02:20. Again, weak xTc watching/lining 888 up from behind the wall for the cheap surprise hack kill.
02:26. 888's movements are SO good. Super lethal with that SSG.
02:40. Rambs getting the heck out of the madness - grabbing the teleporter.
02:52. Bitch. Empty it ALL in xTc.
02:59. Whore.
03:06. This trasher (xTc) is super infatuated with 888 and still getting taken down by 888. 888 averages about 3 frags for every 1 death. Lol, that's pretty damn good. Howbeit, what is really amazing is 888's stamina. 548,721 frags - 286,717 deaths = 262,004 clean frags. Lol, no one comes close to over 260,000 clean frags. These 888 bottom haters need to quit talking so much and start putting in more Quake work; and less working of their mouths (or fingering of the keyboards).
03:28. 888 had to slam on the brakes to hit that turn (going so fast). Lol, love it. Look how smooth 888 hits that turn though and then picks up the speed again.
03:47. 888's aim is impeccable. And yes, you have to aim with BFG. Do not let anyone else tell you otherwise. If you don't aim the BFG properly, you will not get a favorable outcome. The fact is BFG is just hard for many to control. It's a bit of a manly weapon. SSG is hard to aim/control as well. Many girls prefer the lightness/ease of a Railgun and the pretty hole it leaves behind. 888 likes weapons that tear stuff up. Give him a Rocket Launcher, SSG, and/or BFG.
04:20. Hi, rbit!! Welcome here!
04:22. Thanks, I'll take that.
04:34. 888 loves BFG-ing off mfs and landing across the map. So orgasmic.
04:36. Lol, 888 hits the reverse to put himself in a better position to rail the crap out of xTc's trash ass. And, SUCCESS!!
04:42. FAIR WARNING: If 888 sees you kill/touch Rambs (Rambo), believe you me, you are next.
04:51. xTc trash remains obsessed. Followed 888 (again) and everything.
05:05. 888 is pretty fierce at landing them moving rail shots!! And 888 is flipping them off nicely throughout the process, lol.
05:10. xTc's trash ass used the corner wall turn view blockage (he knew 888 would have) and used that as a vantage point for xTc to see through the wall for a cheap shot on 888. xTc knew exactly where 888 was by looking through the wall and locked onto 888 before emerging from behind the wall's turn with the shot. The shot did not kill 888, so xTc turned tail to run for his garbage life.
05:14. See that nice side slide juke ride (888 made his death target smaller for his enemy). FartBlaster could not hit 888 with his Chaingun because 888 made his death target smaller, and all 888 had to do was wait for his already fired BFG to do what it does. Lovely finish. Bonus: xTc was running for his (despicably trashy) life from 888 at this time.
*UPDATE (3.1.23): 888 has over 700,000 frags. Yes, 888 has close to a million frags. The MOST Frags in Quake history.
705,584 frags - 357,191 deaths = 348,393 clean frags. Lol, no one comes close to almost 350,000 clean frags.
