There's so much controversy and wonder around "888". So many unanswered questions and hypothesis. Is it one person? Multiple people? An idea? A civil march of revolutionary proportions? New comers to this world wonder what is this 888 QUAKE GOD so Highly spoken of. It's common for new comers (in this world) to find it difficult to draw a solid conclusion. So much speculation, assumptions, and trivia makes for hard convolution. So let's provide some we have, and will continue to do so through these articles of unbias Truth.
Don't get us twisted over here. RailWolf/shloo push double standards and lies while being extremely mediocre players at best. Oh, they are two faces (all pun intended lol) of TastySpleen, BTW. Therefore, don't believe their opinions on 888 and the propaganda they push through TastySpleen. They are lies and people back what they say because they fear being outcasted and not being able to play Q2 on their server. This fear is what separates the players in Right from the pussies who will bow down just to play on a server, SMH. SpawnGirl, Pasta Ssempa, and mag are a few who left TastySpleen servers due to injustices.
See, many of us already know "wassup". Just making those unaware....aware.
Read SpawnGirl's article here:
Read Pasta Ssempa's article here:
MonsterTank is a very "interesting" individual (to say the least). Guy can hold a full-on conversation with himself he will ask questions in chat and give extensive answers to them. It's freaking hilarious. MT likes to compare himself to 888. 888 has to remind MT that they are not the same. MT thinks he got an unfair shake because he feels he has been "shoveling crap" for so long and still got banned from like everything TastySpleen; and MT concludes 888 has become a "superstar". Lol, if anyone has the real story on MonsterTank, I would love to get it. The guy is something else.
unholy (aka holly, dish0e, virus) is an orchestrator - creates things, guides things, handles things. Kind of like claire, but claire has more "class". you can see what they are doing, but they will succeed regardless because they play off of what they know you must do to stand for who you are. And for this, thank you holly, and thank you claire for keeping us sharp on people's true characters. holly, you have too much fn time on your hands for this, wow, but thank you. Knew you had a soft spot for shloo and you would rise up and show your hand, thank you for confirming the suspicion. Was right entire time about you being full of it. You played Bev the entire time. That's why it was important for you to make us believe you had no idea you were a huge part in all the drama. You're an asshole and you are not Bev's friend, but Bev did cross the line and it was out of 888's hands (like you knew it would be). Again, you're just an asshole, but (like previously said) your "services" have its place. It's not like you did anything "wrong" per say, you just orchestrate things out of people. But you're an asshole, not even for good you do it. You had a large hand in Pasta Ssempa's mute and 888's mute. You just orchestrated on PlumpCheeks (aka RailWolf). We all know RailBottom has a soft spot for your "ass" because you know how to handle people and get what you want (just didn't work on 888 in getting your recognition/promotion). You were pissed at 888 for not giving you recognition as you "orchestrated", thinking 888 would no doubt give you advertisement, but at last 888 did not. You orchestrated perfectly and that "lil punk 888" didn't do what you wanted!! Man, similar to Bev, but different. I wonder who is actually worse underneath it all? You know what, IDGAF (see previous blog's video, If I hear from you again, it will be too soon. I'm pretty sure I am done with you both, you both are gross.
This is what a meth head looks like high on crack cocaine about to inhale another massive dick for a little bit more crack. Because holly constantly (and proudly) admits to "getting", using, and buying prohibited drugs. He must feel it enhances his dick sucking experience!!

Furthermore, holly fully admits to "dick sucking" as a way to obtain getting what he wants!!

And holly admits he wants and loves getting unlawful drugs (especially meth and crack cocaine); so clearly holly sucks mad dicks to get these illegal drugs. He's disgusting!!!
This is actually holly with his dick sucker wide open about to swallow another huge cock for some drugs. Look at those busted, black meth headed teeth gleaming from his disgusting dick sucking for crack mouth. Bet he gives the receiver of this nasty ass sloppy blow job chlamydia, aids, and syphilis all in one-shot. Think I see some strong penis cum residue stained to his teeth, on the inside cheek of his mouth, and pasted in his nasty ass tongue - repulsing. 🤮 Remember kids, Don't Do Drugs. You don't want to end up like this guy on your busted knees, sucking strange monstrous dick for your next drug fix.
And holly (who takes BIG Dicks to the back of the throat daily for crack and other drugs), is still a racist on tastyspleen servers without consequences. holly is "white" and uses racial terminology that is offensive. holly just said this racial commentary (below screenshot) today on a tastyspleen server without even a word from PlumpCheeks/RailWolf or any other tastyspleen administration. Once again, they obviously don't care about racial terminology being used on their servers.
Not to mention, holy has no problem calling people racial slurs (and again, holly is "white").

Read Pasta Ssempa's article here regarding the racism on tastyspleen servers:
Bev sacrificed everything for holly who was not there to build it to begin with...or listen to him. Bev lost a relationship with 888 who was there to build it and listen to him. holly is still not helping Bev build or listening to him. Hmmmmm, great move on Bev's part, right? These are just logical observations.
Stupid bitches will get you kilt. This is why they do away with allowing stupid bitches in the clique. Stupid bitches will destroy an institution (at its core) and you along with it. This is street knowledge 101. Can't be in company with stupid bitches. There's The Lesson For The Day!!! (Titled "Stupid Bitches - 101")
SpawnGirl once said to Quadz, "You're the owner of shit." When you take a look at the people favored around it - like Focalor/FecalOdor, unholy/holly, railwolf/bottomcheeks, torc, start to understand the statement...