Hi guys. I appreciate all the support. Even the ones who prefer to hide behind the scenes for the fear of retaliation from Tastyspleen. It shouldn’t be this way, but here we are. Before we go any further: Tastyspleen administration and/or Tastyspleen activists, you are no longer welcomed on this website. Furthermore, (if it was not already clear) nothing here can be used against any player(s) who might participate on Tastyspleen servers. So please leave, thanks. I have records of Tastyspleen admins being some of top traffic flow on this website.
I receive enough issues and concerns from people in the community to realize this is a sad situation to say the least. Tastyspleen, do you enjoy that people are terrified of you? That they know they must just agree with you (with no back talk) or you will “punish” them? Does this make you feel good? You relish in the idea that people must blindly fall in line with whatever you say and just shut the hell up or there will be consequences?
People want 888 to come back to Tastyspleen servers and play. However, it might not have been blatantly expressed, but 888 has been looking for a reason to distance himself from the toxic cesspool. Shloo just gave a reason. Fitting considering Shloo was the reason 888 gave Tastyspleen another chance. Claire and Railwolf just back whatever Shloo wants and/or does anyway. Shloo was not fond of me pointing out errors in what she said and how she was acting exactly how Beav described. Also, it seems Shloo is jealous of SpawnGirl. SpawnGirl is a goddess, not all can expect to compare, just the way it is. So some assertions were made into what was on this website that were simply not true. Shloo’s claim is unfounded here, period. But Shloo was backed (unsurprisingly) by Tastyspleen. Aren’t you sick of it? I been sick of it. Tastyspleen was extremely lucky to have a dedicated player like 888 on their server for as long as they did.
Why are we here? Well, evidently people still want my input on certain matters. And these are factors that tie-in. I’m trying to make this as short as possible, so more details will be sure to continue to be revealed in more posts. Understand, all the information I receive from concerned persons make for years of content (kind of bizarre for this scene). Oh, “Debbie” watch your mouth and quit talking shit. That is your only warning. People want you outed. No one today really knows who you are, but I will make you famous overnight. Don’t mistake my choices in discretion as any form of weakness. That goes for all who are wondering why things haven’t been spoken about on this website. Perhaps I just prefer the slow fuck and the perfect climax.
NeverLoved (aka 0rbisson) posted some PAK modifications (cheats) that got flagged and then approved by Claire and Shloo. These are just some of the advantages hack players use in games. They are not acceptable. They are modifications to give hack players advantages over players who do not have these special features. This disgusting behavior and unrighteous decision making is what made 888 (and SpawnGirl) tired of this avenue of the scene. Again, amazing how 888 (and even SpawnGirl) incredibly dominated the scene (against hack players) without any cheats.
NeverLoved was called out to me by Claire for being a racist. Claire had ill intent to cause division, but the burden of choice was on NeverLoved. NeverLoved was confronted by 888, and instead of owning up to anything and apologizing, NeverLoved decided to evade like a snake. That is a big no no and goes against our code of ethics. Furthermore, he teamed with unh0ly to attack 888. NeverLoved has a huge problem with the beeps on the weapons in the PAKs; however, unh0ly has these and more in his paks. So NeverLoved, stand all for what is right or do not stand at all. If you are LukeWarm, you will be spit out.
I received a few messages about this recent pak post issue on Tastyspleen's page, so I decided to throw together a quick response. I’m really skipping through, but I hope the real players start to use their brains and not believe the lies and guided misdirecton. 888 doesn’t lie. We stand on good principle and righteousness. Tren and unh0ly are light skinned with privileged mentalities. SpawnGirl and Pasta Ssempa are not light skinned and they do not have privileged mentalities; but they know how to stand for what is right. Tren and unh0ly kiss ass. SpawnGirl and Pasta Ssempa are respectable, but use their brain. Tren and unh0ly talk mad trash, but don't receive any lasting consequences. Pasta Ssempa and Spawn Girl are still under Tastyspleen consequences. Strange indeed.
From the beginning, this website was designed to be scalable. I know 888 is missed, but it is nothing you personally might have done. 888 accomplished more than he was summoned to do and it is just time for another season. I do wish the real players the best. Legit Frag On!
BTW: WallFly is designed to steal the frags of legit players. WallFly is a criminal. Remove WallFly.
The Destruction of Jericho
"Now Jericho was securely shut up because of the children of Israel; none went out, and none came in. And the Lord said to Joshua: “See! I have given Jericho into your hand, its king, and the mighty men of valor. You shall march around the city, all you men of war; you shall go all around the city once. This you shall do six days. And seven priests shall bear seven trumpets of rams’ horns before the ark. But the seventh day you shall march around the city seven times, and the priests shall blow the trumpets. It shall come to pass, when they make a long blast with the ram’s horn, and when you hear the sound of the trumpet, that all the people shall shout with a great shout; then the wall of the city will fall down flat. And the people shall go up every man straight before him.”
The Lord declared he had given Jericho up into the hands of Joshua before the walls had even fallen. Amazing. Joshua still had to have faith and do his part, but the Lord exclaimed He had come through before the walls had even crashed. Sometimes people complain that God did not show up. Perhaps God did, they just need to do their part, because Faith without works is dead.
00:48, 00:55, 01:45, 04:48. 😍😍😍😍
01:11. The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood before the Lord comes.
They hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains.
02:22 & 03:22. The sky was split apart like a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain
and island was removed from its place. And the earth opened its mouth and
swallowed them up.
03:28. An unhappy ending to the life you've glorified...
In the past you gave enough of your life over to living like the people who do not know God. You gave your life to sex sins and to sinful desires. You got drunk and went to wild parties and to drinking parties and you worshiped false gods.
If anyone wants to keep his life safe, he will lose it. If anyone gives up his life because of Me, he will save it.
04:30. Klayton (Celldweller) adds the lyrics, "It's destined down you go."
Then the devil, who had deceived them, was thrown into the fiery lake of burning sulfur, joining the beast and the false prophet. There they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.
And anyone whose name was not found recorded in the Book of Life was thrown into the lake of fire.
Klayton clearly holds Christian ideology.