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Beav has learned so much this year - racism doesn't win

Writer's picture: SentinelSentinel

Updated: Dec 19, 2023

It’s been a hard year for Beav (to say the least). Things have not been what they seemed to be to him. His understanding of elements in this community have been shattered. Those he thought were his friends, have proven themselves to be the enemy. 888 would say certain people are evil. Beav swore again and again to 888 that so-and-so are good people, only to be disappointed again and again. It’s a shame this happened to Beav. It’s a shame for this to happen to anyone. This really shouldn’t be subjected to any person. Howbeit, Beav has never experienced something like this in all his life; and the trauma/drama comes from none other than TastySpleen leaders - reputation for hurting lives and keep on stepping. Years ago, SpawnGirl was a victim of this reality, now nothing surprises her anymore. Beav might be shocked today by TastySpleen’s actions, but he will never be surprised again. Well, at least by people trying to do the same junk to him again. Like when shloo, and her hairy baby balls, took his discord. It’s a victory for Beav knowing who his true friends are compared to those who really don’t respect him. That’s good, because he can help build a good team from a solid foundation. This is why Beav knows 888 is legit. The facts are BottomWolf (aka Railwolf) and his minions lie. They have been lying and exaggerating about 888 for years in order to try and take away from THE QUAKE GOD. However, their attempts have been proven to be futile as the Legacy of 888 continues to Flourish. 

Quake 2 was designed to be competitive and equally enjoyable by all participants. Therefore, Beav never expected leaders, in a community built around this game, would try and do him dirty. That’s just the thing though - Quake 2 is NOT the problem. It’s those who use Quake 2, to place themselves places to do evil deeds, which is the problem. This is why 888 is Top Player of Quake 2. HE BELONGS. Quake 2 accepts 888 as THE QUAKE GOD. FACTS. So 888’s opinion should supersede someone like BottomWolf who has no stake whatsoever in Quake 2 really. 888 IS QUAKE 2. It has been proven. Who the fuck is BottomWolf to even attempt to try to dictate to 888 THE GOD how Quake 2 should be played? BottomWolf just there for the position.  

Beav’s eyes have been more opened to the facts of racism - systematic racism within an organization. Racists want to use a minority for their skills and/or what they can take from them, but will never respect the minority. They want the minority to operate within the boundaries they have set for the minority. If the minority does not operate within those inferior boundaries, the racist has a problem and cannot tolerate it. Beav built a Discord. It was taken from him and then he was kicked out of the very discord he created. He did not walk away with his tail between his legs and just let it be. Now, they have kicked/banned him from several other discords. SpawnGirl revived Xatrix for TastySpleen. All her work was taken and she was kicked/banned when she didn’t just accept it and walk away. See a pattern? God tends to send his trusted soldiers in areas where God can use encounters to rightfully display vengeance/action. Evil people sometimes wonder how unexplainable plagues and ailments find them. Quadz used to have dialogues with 888. 888 pointed out a few concerns to Quadz, Quadz never responded and Quadz passed away. You can read the related article here: Quake 2

Some of you reading this don’t care because it didn’t happen to you and/or you don't relate. That’s selfish and uncool. Some would even say that makes you part of the problem. What's right is right and what's wrong is wrong. We ALL should stand and fight for what is right (not just when it affects us personally) because morally it is our duty as good human people. Things are changing. Like Pasta said, 888’s website is the number one Quake 2 website visited (still is). People are loving the 888 content being pushed/displayed. Youtube and I just love even the secret haters/followers!! We know how this works. Keep up the work!! Leave supportive comments and likes!! DONATE!!!!

Well, Tranny Tren is still freely using racial slurs and hateful speech on TastySpleen servers without consequences.  Read Beav’s newest experience with racism here: Tastyspleen and tastyspleenTV support racist silver spoon snob fraud hate


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