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Beav calling out more racism under TastySpleen - UPDATE: 10.13.23

Writer's picture: SentinelSentinel

Updated: Oct 14, 2023

Beav recently made a post in the 888 Forum ( & geared towards an ongoing dispute with Railwolf/Claire/Shloo (the faces of Tastyspleen) and their favoritism towards abusive racists (such as Aidz). If you are unaware, Beav has been heartbroken over Shloo (aka Mama Karen/Mrs Karen) and her alleged stealing of his TDM discord. Beav will have to fill in all the details about this to ensure nothing is missed. If you haven't heard it, it is kind of a sad story. Howbeit, racism (once again) is the call to attention here. It just keeps continuing to roll its ugly head around Railwolf/Claire/Shloo and the Tastyspleen's faces don't seem to do anything about it. Aidz (aka Adz), numerous times, has been saying racial connotations at Beav (and his family).

This behavior is unacceptable and appalling. Even more so disgusting that Railwolf, Shloo, Claire would allow it. Claire/Shloo/Railwolf don't address the racism, but rather try and crack the whip on Beav.

Overall, this despicable behavior is not surprising - as favoritism has been waved for the side of the unrighteous many of times per Railwolf and Shloo. Claire was on a server with Tranny Tren, while Tran was saying the n-word, and Claire did nothing. Shloo was playing on a TDM server, with a player who had a racist name, and she did nothing. Furthermore, Unholy did nothing when Aidz was being racist towards Beav. Unholy made a claim that 888 was not white right before Shloo threw out a rage mute. Unholy has no idea what 888 is or isn't, unholy just spreads rumors as truth. These are just a few examples - there are several more examples regarding the plague of racism in the community. All of this is what SpawnGirl was talking about years ago. If you have time, read up on her post about her truth and experience with Tastyspleen @ Pasta has a post as well @ These aren't just made up stories, people; these are real people that have been hurt by the faces of Tastyspleen. These freedom fighters have feelings and demand something be done to right the wrongs. We fight for fairness, equality, and justice for the overall salvation of humanity in the Quake community and beyond.


Update (10.1.23):

People have been speculating Tastyspleen runners are racist. Well, lets put some more analyzing in this. The following incidents just happened one and/or two days ago.

The first incident is from the racist Tranny Tren (as Count_Dracula). He is still using the n-word without consequences because Tastyspleen allows it and wants it. Railwolf and claire removed all the racist filters. Evidently, they want racists to use the n-word and want their servers full of players like this because they mute/ban all other players who oppose racism. After lord_morto tells Tranny Tren it is racist, Tranny Tren tries the process of brainwashing in an attempt to make the n-word look okay to be used and by telling people of color how they should feel by saying, "It is not racist." All that in itself is racist. This was the same thing claire did and claimed things weren't racist. Again, they are trying to tell people of color how they should feel; again, THIS IS A RACIST THOUGHT PROCESS. Tranny Tren's actions show he is a true racist and is in cahoots with claire and Tastyspleen to twist racism to be allowed on the server. Recall Tranny Tren was freely using the n-word while claire was on the server? In this situation, gizm0 handles Tranny Tren's bitch ass proper. Howbeit, Railwolf (Tastyspleen) would punish gizm0 to deter this action from him and other players who stand up to racists. Great work gizm0. And lord_morto saw what Tranny Tren was trying to do and called him "stupid" - rightfully so.

Count_Dracula: hey asshoerl

Count_Dracula: bitch ass city

gizm0: hey the only ahole here is u

lord_morto: me to

Count_Dracula: shut up jizzmo

gizm0: suck it cunt

Count_Dracula: n**** fuck you

gizm0: i got ur n**** right here bitch

lord_morto: you cant say that word

lord_morto: its racist

Count_Dracula: no it isnt

lord_morto: youo fuckin stupid

In this next incident (below), Shloo is once again on a TDM server with a racist and once again does nothing.

Scooby: ash you playing?

shloo: dont have 3s

sketch[v]: got a pamphlet on u n*****

[sYnth]Scooby: zorro or sketch?

sketch[v]: little euro mofos

People like this think it is funny to express their racism and punish the ones who oppose racism. It makes them feel slick and revengeful from behind a computer, but they get fucked in real life. They think they are clever, but they aren't fooling the real ones. That's why they are so bitter and lie on 888, SpawnGirl, and Pasta. Overall, these racists have a sick-minded mentality. Racists really are some of the least intelligent and skilled people I have encountered. And they will never BE the best; hence, why 888 is THE BEST and THEY ALL SUCK 888'S MASSIVE WINNING COCK. And CHOKE HEAVILY on 888's IMPECCABLE and UNMATCHED stats. WE THE BEST!!!

This happens in real life...


Update (10.13.23):

Now this is more than a bit disturbing. The word is Tastyspleen administration have been threatening Beav and telling him to shut his persistent non-backing down mouth. Beav was banned from the titled "shit-talking" chat under q2scene on Discord. Yes, he was banned from a titled "shit-talking" chat, WOW. Furthermore, apparently, claire (aka master klairen) threatened to even fire on Beav with a WallFly ban even though Beav has not even been actively playing on any server. Clearly, this is a vindictive ban because Beav was doing nothing on any server to justify such a call to action. Nor was it needed to stop any activity on a server that broke guidelines, because (once again) there was no activity (from Beav) transpiring on any server for an action. This is why Beav calls this "admin abuse". Beav should not have to be concerned with being banned on servers for speaking his mind; especially on servers that are not even ran by TastySpleen. I do not agree with this sort of action - far from fair. Beav has been with the community for well over a decade and it's actions like this that only continue to fracture the community, as oppose to helping it and building it up. I receive all kinds of concerns regarding the way players are treated. There needs to be a change because the community will not thrive under such conditions of decimation. Just do what's right and treat people fairly. It shouldn't be that hard. Read Beav's most recent posts @ &


BTW WE JUST LOVE when all your gaping bent over buttery cheeks gasp for air (mid gobble) and scream 888's ENORMOUSLY RANKED NAME. Bitch hoe asses. Especially you Fuckalore (aka FecalOdor, Focalor) - ugly ass bitch. Get on the 888 Forum and talk to Beav like a man, quit hiding behind your favoritism. Pussy years ago, same as now, still ugly ass stank pussy. Whatcha scared of? Being called out and revealed for the little piece of ugly lying bitch shit you are? Yeah, what we thought...ugly pussy.

Say my name again, watch me start a riot. (Beg for it.)


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