Honestly, 888 does not find the RG to be an impressive weapon. He will use it; however, it does not give the same gratification as a kill with a SSG. The SSG gets up close and personal as you rip your opponent apart. You can kill them slow or fast. You can make them squirm and beg. It just provides more of an intimate experience. Learn how to kill proper with SSG/SG and you are Boss Level. 888 has over 156,000 SSG Frags (another Quake record) and for good reason. Many have said 888 is super lethal with the SSG (even Bloody Tampon Licker on many occasions). Sanguine plays the SG very decent; even plays similar to 888. You either get it or you don't. There is a rush behind killing with SSG - a certain Quake God aspect/form.
Can 888 use a RG? Well, 888 has over 70,000 RG Frags; so, it is safe to say 888 can hold his own when it comes to the Rail. 888 has some of the most distance frags in Quake history with the RG. I composed a video of some rail shots by 888. In the end, I wrap it up with 888 railing Eagle Bob's (aka b0b{KEA}) spread ass the way many like to see 888 have Eagle Bob bent. Eagle Bob got his name from players who say Eagle Bob spreads it continuously and chokes before winning on the majority of matches. This sounds about right. Even in this clip, Eagle Bob had an 11 point lead. 888 caught up and then just humiliatedly killed Eagle Bob six times in a row; while Eagle Bob kept it spread WIDE for 888 like an Eagle.
A little background: Eagle Bob has been begging 888 to talk with PR to have him featured in a blog. Eagle Bob does not quit running his mouth. Which is ok, I guess, just wish he would win more behind all that trash talk. Furthermore, it's no secret that Eagle Bob spends time in jail satisfying all the cell blocks with his holes. 888 warned Eagle Bob that he was going to have the homies stream his ass live, slam dunking on some BBCs, if Eagle Bob keeps running his dick lisp mouth. Hopefully, that curbs his loose lips. We shall see.
Anyways, enjoy the video. And as always: Peace, Love, and Happy Fragging. : )
Quake 2: 888 Rail Record History (q2dm5 and campcity)
00:13. Once again, McAss looking for the cheap kill, failing, and then running away as always. I promise you, all TDM has taught him-her to do is play like a three month old stale pussy. That, and to use CG all the time. Where I am from, we were taught not to be a "chain pussy". Well, I guess if you're a stale pussy, might as well be a chain pussy as well.
00:47. SOOOO Satisfying!!
00:54. Hi Eagle Bob!!
00:56. Gorgeous Distance Rail Kill : ) Thank you, node!!
