We are currently accepting applications to join The 888-Team!!!
If you are interested in joining [888], send message with "888 Recruit" in Contact Us messenger and/or in The 888-Discord. Potential [888] members need to have "[888RCT]" in their display names. Progress will be monitored.
Greetings From Team-888:
If you are Looking to be Among The Best, Team-888 is The Place for you.
We Stand on Great Morals, Unrivaled Ethics, and Upstanding Character.
You are not alone here, as this is a caring machine. FAMILY.
We all Contribute what we can as we Continue To Build.
We have Rules and Expectations (just as any solid organization) to Show your Commitment to the 888-Team.
We strive for BIG GAMES, but still enjoy the smaller GOOD GAMES (GG).
We Believe in Building The Brand 888 for Generations to Come and Enjoy.
If you want to be a part of something BIGGER than yourself, and Leave YOUR Mark of Contribution To Greatness (Foreverly Capturing a Part of You), Then Team-888 is Your Stop. Make it GREAT.
Apply in Discord @ click on link/image below:
And Shloo, we did receive your application. However, there is a freeze in the process...something to do with a stolen discord. Please, sort that out and attempt to follow-up, thanks.
Current 888-Squad Roster:
[888]QUAKE GOD |
[888]Morning-Star |
[888]Pasta Ssempa |
[888]MegaBoomer |
[888]Battlerism |
[888]Ch0riz0 |
[888]Engineer |
[888]Doomy |
[888]VooDooMOD |
[888]Pointman^SF |
[888]PUF.E |
[888]TrentonAK |
888-LEGEND.COM SERVER Ranked Number 1.

SpawnGirl had a dream. She connected with the right people, and now the dream is almost a full complete reality. SpawnGirl is mentally sane. Haters lie to try and sway the masses by saying people are crazy. They say the same thing about 888 to try and win the public over. However, 888/Spawngirl are not mentally ill; but are phenomenal players, extraordinary visionaries, and talented beyond recognition. 888/Spawngirl stand on good morals and exceptional ethics. This is why they are talked about so much by lesser individuals lacking morals, talent and good character. Let them talk. Let them lie. Let them copy us. We don't dwell (or stay stuck) in their ignorant state. The right ones won't believe them, but rather align with the 888-Team in The Goal of True Paradise. Onward and Upward as we leave the haters and liars crawling on the ground in JellyTown. Join Today!!
There is a time and place for everything. A time to plant and a time to harvest. A time to tear down and a time to build up. A time to scatter stones and a time to gather stones. A time to embrace and a time to turn away. A time to keep and a time to throw away. A time to tear and a time to mend. A time for WAR and a time for PEACE.