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888 IS NUMBER ONE!!! UPDATE: 9.25.23

Writer's picture: SentinelSentinel

Updated: Jan 3, 2024

Hi buddies... and then there are the bitch ass syrup bottoms who frequent here. So, I have been getting asked about 888 returning to TastySpleen’s old ass server to dominate some more. My question is why? 888 has already proved his position as The Dominating Force Beyond recognition regarding Quake 2, aka THE QUAKE GOD. Even the stats gathered on GameTracker have 888 labeled as THE NUMBER ONE PLAYER out of over 90,500 players (see screenshot below). I WANT TO RE-EMPHASIZE THIS MEANS 888 IS THE NUMBER ONE RANKED PLAYER OVER ALL PLAYERS FROM THE PAST AND PRESENT. SO GRATEFULLY KNEEL & HUMBLY BOW DOWN IN THE PRESENCE OF GREATNESS!!

Like I said before, TastySpleen designed WallFly to steal information (as well as points) from players. It can’t be trusted. Similarly, TastySpleen’s website is not encrypted so it can gather your information easier (see below). These are not coincidences.

Back to the point: 888 set out and accomplished the mission #SpawnGirl. And then, he gave every opportunity to get the title, but none could take it. Then after RailWolf realized there would be no one greater, he initiated an operation to try and stop 888’s reign. However, 888 was already KING so yeah he is/was late. RailWolf always freezes in games with 888, like he is afraid to move. See 888/SpawnGirl are actual players that earn stripes. Railwolf, claire, and Shloo (the 3 stooges) couldn't even beat 888 if the game was 3 on 1 - them the facts. 888/SpawnGirl are true competitors and RailWolf likes to harass players who don’t kiss his ass. Railwolf is obsessed with being the center of attention and wanting the power focused on himself. True handler mentality/obsession. This is why Pasta was targeted so much. More facts: Pasta is a way better player than the majority (possibly even second best). More reason why he was messed with by the Tasty administration. The pattern in the sequence of events is obvious - was the same years ago with SpawnGirl as it is now. If RailWolf was a true competitor, many of the decisions he made would never have been a reality. Heck, Jehar is more of a competitor than any of them. True competitors/players can’t respect opinions from people like FecalOdor (aka Focalor) who sit on the sidelines spewing hot garbage and using controlling the masses tactics. Again, RailWolf is a handler who is still operating on old school maneuvers that work on the old school minded. And when that fails, he resorts to harassing and making it an uncomfortable atmosphere for players to play by doing unjust actions. SpawnGirl was a strong example of this pattern years ago. Pasta was a recent encounter. I don’t understand it - meaning, people of this disgusting nature. Get in the game, EARN IT. But when you can’t earn it, then do unjust actions? I guess that is just a point of view we (being THE BEST) can’t relate to perhaps. 🤔

TastySpleen does have stat recognition. However, why did they never update their website with 888 as the Top Player. Furthermore, why did they not update 888 with the highest FPH?

They have sections on their website that houses this information, but they neglect to update it with factual information regarding 888’s Quake 2 record changing contributions. Cleary, it is not being updated due to pride restrictions. Yet, even Quadz always continued to update it with the facts regarding 888 being on Top. RailWolf, not so much. Is this a popularity contest (cough Beav) or are we here to play Quake 2? Yeah, exactly.

Anyways, back to the original question regarding 888 playing on a server that is run by disrespectful people? For what? Especially when 888 has stats that prove he is already The Best Quake 2 player who’s EVER lived. FecalOdor and the rest of the haters can jaw jack all they want trying to false rationalize why 888 is statistically The Best player; however, (like Rambo always says) THE STATS DON’T LIE AND 888 IS QUAKE GOD!!! WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS!!


Players are daily going to the 888 server. Glad several find it to their liking. If you want a map pushed more towards the front, the back, added, etc - send a message and we will try and accommodate. After all, WE are actually for the players - the true competitors.

888's Server IP:

The hacker list is very popular and is still being updated as new information gets submitted and/or presented. Feel free to continue to check in on it for updates (add it to your bookmarks). Continue to reach out on potential cheats that should be investigated.


Update (9.25.23):

Thanks for the updates, team. Punk>FAS> and name have been recently added to the hacker list. And apparently Tranny Tren has been going by Count_Dracula - that name has been added to the hacker list as well. Amazing how much cheaters/hackers are being called out and RailWolf/Shloo stay super quiet. Remember when they were targeting 888 with threats due to "hack talk"? Yeah, more evidential facts around their use of force only in situations that suit their despicable agendas. Nevertheless, the real players are tired of the hackers and cheaters. The overall bull junk is annoying, tired, and beyond getting old.


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