No one has beat 888's Record. NOBODY. They desperately try to beat 888 and horribly fail miserably again and again. There is something truly special about 888. Something that simply cannot be touched. Haters talk so much junk about 888 because they wish they could be him and on his level. Haters are going to hate, but facts are FACTS period. Not everyone can be The Best.
*Bloody Tampon, aka .B100D, did not even make it in the scoreboard's top contestants, lol.

*UPDATE (4.12.22). 888 beat his own record!!!!

*UPDATE (8.18.22). 888 beat his own record, AGAIN!!!!!!!!

*UPDATE (8.31.22). 888 beat his own record, AGAIN!!!!!!!! Would have gotten a higher FPH, but got held up. I imagine 888 will soon beat his record once again. 888 used Railgun, Rocket Launcher, Grenades, SSG, and BFG (along with speed and efficiency) to obtain such a groundbreaking FPH. A great combination of Quake 2 weapons without the use of any Quad. 1117 FPH - The HIGHEST DM FPH in Quake History. 30 FRAGS in 1 minute and some seconds. Thanks again for all the support!!

*UPDATE (9.8.22). Well, I told you 888 would be soon to beat his record. 888 done did it again!! Like before, no Quad usage was implemented. 888 was owning it so hard that xTc ran to the sidelines to observe THE GREAT 888. With the use of the majority of weapons (and great efficiency with matchable speed), 888 produced an extraordinary 1223 FPH - The HIGHEST DM FPH in Quake History. 30 FRAGS in 1 minute and 28 seconds. Thanks again for all the support!!

*UPDATE. 1800 FPH - The HIGHEST DM FPH in Quake History. 30 FRAGS in 1 minute.