Mama Karen lost her grip today she had a BIG Fluster Cluck Meltdown on ts.Tv discord where she moaned about how unfair it was being banned from railwarz discord mama Karen lives in some fantasy world with master klairen she expects to be respected and welcome in the railwarz discord after she stole my Tdm discord and banned me from It
I removed her from one channel on quake legacy discord because she had a mama drama meltdown about some adult conversation that had nothing to do with her and finally after 24 hours of sobbing I finally removed her from that one private admin community leader channel and she claims I banned her
She made some copy cat quake legacy discord called q2mods out of spite and revenge for being removed from quake legacy admin channel she left quake legacy in a fit of rage and embarrassment she was never banned
guess what shlooser admin abuser banned me from q2 mod discord before I ever joined lmao and she's big mad I don't grovel at her feet after she continuously disrespects me insulting me in her high horse snob Karen fantasy world where her and master have never been wrong not once ever
I was not only banned from my very own natdm discord I spent two years building from scratch before I was coerced manipulated into giving to shloo under the pretext it would help keep the community together I didn't realize those back stabbing fraud snakes would ban me from something I put so much time and energy into
Tricked into giving to shlooser theif but I was also banned from copy cat q2mod discord before I ever attempted to join and she trying to bait me with low key blows that make trolls like ex and chief get their panties all wet with excitement cause they love mama drama and have no respect for true genuine authenticity
Careful posting on master admin abuser will threaten you with a wallfly ban for speaking truth somewhere he has no jurisdiction to micromanage and paint the picture to only favor racist mama drama Karen behavior