Hey sup.. dunno how long I have been around but love this new forum you have here.. Love yer post bout clearing the facts bout spawn girl.. I knew Laura and she did lots of great things that the Quake 2 community have benefited a lot..
True what you have said bout her being unjustly crucified and trolled, pushed to the limits.. One of those toxic players that did ill was Exterminder. Apparently he is an old fart that got jealous bout spawn girls growing popularity and moded maps.
From what I personally know, at first he kinda like her. Dunno what happened next but apparently what spawn told me that Exterminder was starting to stalk err harrass her.. Keeps asking about personal information and even tried to ask her to be his girlfriend.. He even also asked for some private photos..
When all his advances was rejected by spawn girl, exterminader began to change his disposition and started to harass her... What a creep he is.
Anyways, don't wanna make this too long..
Again great job and keep it coming!
Frag Em More! 😉
At the time, there was a big trend where the majority of the xatrix community was wearing the cow skins. But, on the other hand, the egocentric Exterminder chose to use the bull skin, like he was the king of the herd. No doubt that the leadership was a very important point for Exterminder.
what simps!
This is true.
I confirme that Exterminder was jealous about Spawn Girl's work in Tastyspleen, and over the years they always had bid fights over the leadership of the community. Exterminder later created the server FOX, paying a monthly rent to Tastyspleen, so he could have the control over "his" community, banning everyone who wanted to play serious and who didn't please him.
Also I was told that there was another old man (he was in his 60's at the time), named X7, who was very good map maker. He helped Spawny many times coding her overrides and even making her first map. But this man didn't help willingly, he asked Spawny for her nudes in exchange, which she refused and tried to keep some distance from this dangerous old man.
FecalOdor (aka Focalor) is a disgusting bottom feeder, the cripple of Tastyspleen. Spawn Girl was never remotely interested in that sorry excuse for a person. That piece of shit is not a real man. Spawn Girl was not like Debbie to flirt and make them feel special, so these pieces of crap tried to bully Spawn Girl to like them. Sorry not sorry, but Spawn Girl too real for that nonsense and only respects a real man. These little boys ain't about anything, so they talk crap, and boot in fits of baby rage. They need their mommies to hold them. 888 is the realest on the servers.
Lots of creeps out there.. Focalor is same as Exterminader. If I remembered it correctly, Focalor used to be nice with spawn girl. He then invited her to be part of his clan EoM.
Spawn girl told me that Focalor confessed that he really was not as tough as he was projecting. In fact he was really quite the opposite of the image he is portraying.
He works 2 jobs and lives with his grandma.
Later on, he started to make creepy advances on her. He was sending his photos holding a bunch of flowers on one hand a note saying "I Love You Laura. Can you be my Girl?".
Spawn girl was offended and disgusted. She replied with an FU and blocked him from msn. This pissed Focalor. He booted her out from EoM. Guess he was hurt being rejected. What a creep.
Greetings. I believe in doing what is right and giving respect where respect is due. Spawn Girl did a lot of good work that members of the community are still taking advantage of. I know many (as you personally have shared) appreciate the light being shed on Spawn Girl and her pleasant contributions. Exterminder (aka EXTERMINADER) is not a very nice individual and is clearly jealous of 888. 888 was dominating on his server (not even talking trash) and Exterminder kicked 888 off the server. This revealed a childlike mentality. I heard he does this often to players who outplay him. No wonder many do not enjoy playing on his server and avoid it. His server remains very much dead. The Xatrix mod suffers because of him and players who choose to follow his lead. Xatrix will never grow this way (Spawn Girl knew this), players need to follow 888's Lead Today. Nevertheless, I can tell Exterminder holds a lot of animosity towards Spawn Girl and the shared love from 888, so much so that it is beyond abhorrent. She clearly was not interested in Exterminder, still is not interested, and she does not entertain his desires. That is not Spawn Girl's fault. No doubt 888 holds elements of the Wrath of Spawny, in his Right Hand, with every Frag.