They pretend to be my friends for two years only because quadz passed away long enough to gain my trust manipulating me to give tastyspleen admin shloo my tdm discord i made after they tricked me into pruning half the 300+ members I spent two years inviting just because shloo felt awkward about some hand and feet pics she was sharing to keep all those lonely. Gamer dudes playing the game I was as so nice an accommodating about all their concerns about privacy regarding the hand and feet pics to the point I let them talk me into giving shloo ownership of my discord so they could have private channels then they immediately banned me from my own discord I tried to talk to shloo privately about the matter and she blocked me it’s really sad how tastyspleen has treated me ever since shloo stole my tdm discord I’ve been banned from. Not only my tdm discord I spent two years building from scratch but I was also banned from ACME discord think I joined there in 2015 and I invited about 70-90% of the server population there too but zerocool inherited the ownership or admin rights
And wake made me op and zerocool took my ops away like a coward bitch because he’s in love with e thot shloo I thought zerocool was my friend for a decade but I guess not he’s blinded by that e thot and will ban me from acme for no reason just to get some brownie points with his online crush who I had respected up until the day she stabbed me in the back and let her racist cyber bully buddies ban me from my discord I made and block me like a bitch when I tried to solve it all privately
So I’m banned from acme discord
I co founded been admin since birth of rocket arena2 Discord and invited a large portion of their server population and years down the road I’m banned from there because aids is best friends with blunt and shloo and her racist tdm entourage helps support their ra2 tournaments so im banned from another community for no reason to score brownie points jelly toast cry baby of haters
Master Klairen banned me from q2scene discord to get some brownie points too cause he got a crush on shloo too just like lost pup zerocool im “talking shit” in a #shit talk channel designed specifically for talking shit and I get banned cause they couldn’t handle it they could only dish it it’s pure systematic institutional racism by the tastyspleen administration and friends
Finally today jehar let them ban me from tastyspleentv discord for talking shit on the organ grinder channel!? Wtf that’s what’s it’s mean for the Jerry springer show of quake 2 organ grinder and was cool when jehar first made it but guess he got pussy whipped by e thot and so beav got the ban red scare communism taken over tastyspleentv
Aidz e thot racists win organ grinder is for white supremacy not for all equal apparently too bad man
You were super cool until you let them ban me jehar hope you open up the light inside you and learn to love thy neighbor quit being a hater like all these tdm tastyspleen racists