I got muted on TS servers and banned on TS forums because I reported racism.
Racism is the plague of the community - there is no question about it. The scene has long roots and what was okish to say 25 years ago, is not okay to say now. Unfortunately, the players who acted like total douche bags years ago, have not changed. For example, Focalor made TWO nazi paks which claire finally deleted. Here are some direct (censored) quotes from the paks:
It's more Nazi. And I think we can all agree, everything needs more Nazi.
The bandolier is now at least 20% more Nazi-er too. You're welcome, <J-WORD>.
Kill <J-WORD> with absolute impugnity with this lovely piece of whatever the fuck it is.
A swastika quad damage!?! Are you serious!?! WOW! I DID NAZI THAT COMING! (nazi that coming... you saw that joke coming at some point. It was inevitable.) Kill 4 TIMES THE <J-WORD> IN 25% of THE TIME IT USED TO! QUAD DAMAGE - new from SC Jewson Whacks!
The use of N-word in all its forms has been extremely common.
At first it seemed that claire got it and muted Tren - one of the biggest racists. He instantly started to cry about it, and claire removed the mute after a while. Claire blacklisted couple words and also added timed server announcements about the rules:
console: Overtly discriminatory, racist, and aggressive messages are not acceptable.
console: Please keep chat binds to a reasonable frequency. Thanks!
But that made the racists mad and there was even more racist hate speech. It was really bad, like kill threats bad. They also named themselves after me, sometimes 3-4 players ate the same time. The bully mentality is real. Of course, I reported most of that. But then claire stopped reacting to it and RailWolf stepped in. At first, it seemed the he was really trying to do something. But it was mostly "yeah I'll keep an eye on it" or "I muted him for a day, let's see if that helps". And he sent me private message that I should send private message to WallFly to make the reporting easier. So, I did.
There was especially one ping 20 racist renaming himself with racist names all the times. It was so frequent and I got tired of manually reporting him every time, I had to bind the message. But still nothing. Until RailWolf announced that he had muted the racist and ME for hate speech.
He says I've done excessive hate speech with poo poo messages. Well excuse me. So, messages like:
Do you accept eating poo poo?
Poo poo all over the face!
I do not tolerate racism.
Are as bad as racist kill threats?
That makes absolutely no sense. Poo poo is part of Pasta Ssempa's persona. Those videos on youtube with millions of views are absolutely hilarious. Many of the video commenters says it's the funniest thing they have ever seen in their lives.
Several days passed, still muted. Posted couple messages to the forum wondering what is going on. The result was that they moved my topics to off-topic so them are not easily visible anymore. And banned me from the forums. I can only comment couple off-topic topics now. And when I post to the shout box, they delete my messages.
One point they bring up over and over again is that I provoke others and that causes others to be aggressive and start racist behavior. Like couple poo poo binds justifies racism? That makes absolutely no sense. With the same logic, if a woman wears a sexy dress, it's her fault if she gets raped. I extremely rarely swear or use any kind of harsh language like the others are using constantly. I'm polite. Here's some of the crap I get when I play:
DIMPLE-DIPS: shut up you gay ass <N-WORD>
PASTASUKSDICK: yes like 888 does no skills what so ever put ya fukn money where ya mouth is pussy maybe you will get killed tonight lets hope
Shroomie: please stop breathing
bonger: im more like ill kill you
bonger: pasta is a fucking idiot loser moron with no brain of his own
60Ghz is trash!: i don't like ghey trahs like you
SPAWNwhore: i would knock you the fuck out in real life
LeX changed name to PAStathenigg
And so on and so on...
Another thing they mention is that I spam. Define spam? I've always been soft-muted. I don't even know why. Soft-mute means that you can send only one message in a minute. And that is spamming? And then when some players like #Psylence# talks crap non-stop, the admins could not care less. That guy has also private message spammed me several times. No penalties.
And how they explain that they still are aggressive even when I'm muted? Even today, almost every time I play, there's several players smack talking me. How pathetic they can be? How can I cause their behavior when I cannot even talk?
I think this was a turning point for the whole community. They are prohibiting all the fun. What is left? Only ":)" and "gg" messages are allowed now?
They say I got muted because of hate speech and uses "poo poo" as excuse. No. None of this would have happened if I didn't report racism. They got tired of all the reports and the easy solution was to silence me.
If I wasn't there, I would have sworn you made all this up. Sounds unreal.