Aidz hopes he can argue with bvugh enough to convince claire to ban beav from q2scene its the same tactics mama Karen sent her dog to do on tastyspleen discord for her master plan to ostracize beav from all the q2 mods
Mr and Mrs Karen hate beav with all their heart because they are pathetic kronic kry baby Karens who live in their delusional white lies they've never been wrong in all their bigot hater krybaby lives these silver spoon snowflake snobs are racist haters to the core and over dramatic mama drama queens shloo tried to hi jack LMCTF discord same as beavs natdm1v1 discord shloo tried to hi Jack quake legacy discord cause she got triggered by her own dogs drama that caused her to have a hysterical kry baby meltdown while we were having an adult discussion about some other troll unrelated to her or anything she is concerned with but shloo cant contain herself drama fuels her heart and shes a salty spiteful sensitive sally sue just like all the other racist kry baby haters
People like aidz shloo chief are the reason the world doesn't get better they are evil rotten racist kry baby hater sore loser frauds who have to steal and bully their way to the top because they jealous insecure inferior small brains have had such incredibly easy lives they are used to living in their lies spewing toxic hate speech like calling you a faggot or a retard idoiot or whatever and they do it first then cry like bitches when you finally lose Your patience for their pathetic childish bullshit behavior because they are forever 13 silver spoon snobs who don't know anything about being a decent person 888 is a true gentleman it is these racist haters that are so full of their snob assumptions and think they know everything when they know a fraction of anything bet they've never had to actually work for anything in all their silver spoon snob lives that's why it's so easy for them to hate and hold their insecure kry baby grudges they could never be a true adult or professional that's why they operate North Korea kim jong un style and try to bully their way to the top with their silver spoons nothing but some pathetic sore loser with poor sportsmanship no dignity I'm not surprised shloo is holding on so tight to my dickcord with her vice grips girl get a grip she can't get enough of it she luvs it just like all her puppies do too beavs natdm dickcord is shloos favorite hands down and she will never let go she got no problem admitting her deep passion for my stolen dickcord that all the racist kry baby haters love

favortism runs deep
Racism runs deep
The classic move by anyone in position of power is to turn a blind eye to the root of the problem and not stand up for what's right enable the toxic racist hate and then try to scapegoat beav for "spam" cause beav will type 10,000 more lines of text than anyone regardless of the subject because beav does everything 10,000 times more than the average kry baby soft serve snowflake Karen they love to try to get 6 or 7 people who hate me for no rest to all complain they swarm like racist bullies and when they doesn't work they try to scapegoat beav by attacking him over and over cause they know the admins won't ever punish them because they are golden favorites they are white and they are right and they don't have a clue what racism is because they have no hearts if they had a heart there would be no problems erased the racist insecure inferior hate and watch all the mama drama disappear but those vice grips are some of the tightest I've come across I don't think they will ever let go of that grudge racism runs deep